” Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816 CCWRO Welfare News CCWRO is an IOLTA funded support center serving IOLTA legal services programs in California. Types of Services Offered: Litigation, Co-Counseling, Fair Hearing, Representation, Consultation, Informational Services, Research Services, In-Depth Consultation and Welfare Training. Programs Covered: CalWORKs, Welfare to Work (WtW), Food Stamps, Media Cal, General Assistance & Refugee\/Immigrant Eligibility. Refugee\/Immigrant Eligibility. All Rights Reserved. Contributors: Kevin Aslanian, Grace Galligher, Stephen Goldberg and Diane Aslanian http:\/\/www\/ccwro.org Con’t. on page 2 The proposed 2013-2014 Budget takes $2,037,913,000 from the federal TANF al- location and the State-required State Main- tenance of Effort (MOE) and use it as con- tribution to the state general fund. Last year (2012-2013) CalWORKs families contributed $1,153,301,000 in the final budget. The 2013- 2014 proposed budget has a 57% increase in CalWORKs funds that would be used as contribution to the State General Funds. This is money taken from California’s impov- erished families living on fixed incomes from 1986. In dollar terms the proposed 2013- 2014 proposed budget takes an additional $885 million from California’s poor to pay for the State Budget surplus. See Table #1 for the exact dollar amounts that impoverished families of California have contributed to the General fund during the past two decades. Governor Brown proudly said that the budget is on its way to be balanced. What he failed to say that it is being balanced on the backs of Califor- nia poor families and poverty stricken children. The budget does provide counties with an ad- ditional $143 million for the county single al- location that is the county block grant for the administration of the CalWORKs pro- gram. Last year, counties failed to spend $185 million of their single allocation and this year they are getting an additional $143 million. This is a 7% increase in county funding. Since 1998, counties have failed to spend over $2.3 billion that was allocated to them as a block grant. During 201-2012 counties failed to spend $185 million. Now the budget will increase this block grant by $143 million in 2013-2014. See Table #2 reveals that since 1998 while funding for the administration of the CalWORKs program has increased by 33%, funding for payments to impoverished families during the same time period has de- creased by 13%. This reveals the priority of the State of California pay more for administra- tion while cutting benefits to California’s Cal- WORKs children. Even welfare administrators have said that low payment levels defeats their CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR BROWN’s 2013-14 BUDGET CONTINUES THE DIVERSION OF CalWORKs FROM FAMILIES & CHILDREN. This time it is over $2 billion dollars is being diverted from CalWORKs as contribu- tion to the state general fund. January 27, 2013 Issue #2013-02 The 2013-2014 proposed budget has a 57% increase in CalWORKs funds that would be used as contri- bution to the State General Funds. This is money taken from Califor- nia’s impoverished families living on fixed incomes from 1986. In dol- lar terms the proposed 2013-2014 proposed budget takes an additional $885 million from California’s poor to pay for the State Budget surplus. CCWRO Welfare News January 27, 2013 #2013-02 efforts to help families achieve self-sufficiency. This same money could be better used to feed and house impoverished California families by giving them a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) that was authorized under former Governor Reagan. Table #3 below contains the history of the CalWORKs COLA. How- ever, the budget does have a COLA for Special Education Programs for Exceptional Children Child Nutrition Programs. CalWORKs families did not get a cost- of-living increase this year, which means more children will suffer in 2013-2014. WHERE DOES SOME OF THE $2 BILLION GO? The remaining $169,565,000 goes to: Con’t from Page 1 Program $ Amount Student Aid Commission $942,912,000 Kin-GAP $137,425,000 Child Welfare Services Emergency Assistance (EA) $173,500,000 Child Welfare Services-TANF $14,416,000 EmergencyAssistance- Foster Care TANF $ 44,669,000 CDE Child Care Programs $555,426,000 Minor Parent Services and Investiga- tions; SSP MOE Eligible This covers the state costs of SSI payments for children on SSI CFAP MOE Eligible This covers the California Food Assistance programs for documented lawful alien children Stage 1 Child Care hild Care Trust Line Costs Costs of the $50 Child Support Disre- gard Program Monthly Cost Per Child CalWORK per Child $ 192 Foster Care pre Child $ 2,517 Adopted per Child $ 924 HOW ARE POOR CHILDREN LIV- ING WITH THEIR FAMILIES TREATED IN THE BUDGET? How does the budget treat poor children liv- ing with their natural parents versus those not living with their natural parents but still receiving public assistance? Badly. STATE BUDGET RESOURCES The 2013-2014 Budget Bills AB 73- Blumenfield http:\/\/www.leginfo.ca.gov\/cgi-bin\/postquery?bill_nu mber=ab_73&sess=CUR&house=B&author=blume nfield SB 65 – Leno http:\/\/www.leginfo.ca.gov\/cgi-bin\/postquery?bill_nu mber=sb_65&sess=CUR&house=B&author=leno Assembly Budget Sub. #1 Holly Mitchell (D), Chair Weslet Chesboro (D) Roger Dickinson (D) Shannon Grove (R) Allan Mansor (R) Senate Budget Sub. #3 Senator Monning (D), Chair Senator DeSaulnier (D) Senator Emerson (R) For hearings check the Daily file at: http:\/\/www.legislature.ca.gov\/port-dayfile.html State Fiscal Year CalWORKs Recipient Contribution to the State General Fund FY 1998-99 $708,502,000 FY 1999-00 $745,249,000 FY 2000-01 $1,021,913,000 FY 2001-02 $1,126,647,000 FY 2002-03 $1,088,940,000 FY 2003-04 $1,163,238,000 FY 2004-05 $1,087,321,000 FY 2005-06 $1,299,448,000 FY 2006-07 $1,184,134,000 FY 2007-08 $1,745,291,000 FY 2008-09 $1,268,997,000 FY 2009-10 $1,262,046,000 FY 2010-11 $1,234,159,808 FY 2011-12 $1,222,447,450 FY 2012-13 $1,153,301,000 FY 2013-14 proposed budget $2,037,913,000 TOTAL TO DATE CalWORKs Recipients Contributions to the State $17.3 Billion If the State is enacted as proposed $19.3 Billion Source: http:\/\/www.cdss.ca.gov\/cdssweb\/entres\/localassistanceest\/ Jan13\/AuxiliaryTables.pdf Page 10 TABLE # 1 – CalWORKs Families Contribute Billions to the State General Fund CalWORKs payments are the same TODAY as in 1986 Annual Appropriations of County Single Allocation (CSA) Compared to Appropriations for CalWORKs & County Use of Appropriated Funds \u25cf The County Single Allocation has INCREASED By 33% from 1998 to 2012 \u25cf While CalWORKs Grant Allocation Has DECREASED by 13% From 1998 to 2012 State Fiscal Year Total CSA Allocation County Share Total Grant Allocation Total CSA Allocation NOT Used By Counties CSA allocation increase\/ decrease from previous State Fiscal Year CalWORKs Grant allocation increase\/ decrease from previous State Fiscal Year Annual Percentage of Single Allocation Not Used by Counties 1998-1999* $1,403,116,378 $140,540,757 $3,728,895,597 920,257,165 66% 1999-2000 1,466,239,771 140,540,757 3,409,184,226 251,987,081 4% \u20109% 17% 2000-2001 1,534,363,372 140,540,757 3,110,590,925 49,280,893 5% \u20109% 3% 2001-2002 1,703,597,672 140,540,757 3,128,453,615 18,592,263 11% 1% 1% 2002-2003 1,614,776,793 140,540,757 2,998,104,490 73,405,312 \u20105% \u20104% 5% 2003-2004 1,684,758,200 140,540,757 3,058,377,136 147,299,216 4% 2% 9% 2004-2005 1,628,196,518 140,540,757 3,272,331,000 63,978,376 \u20103% 7% 4% 2005-2006 1,647,633,000 140,540,757 3,067,470,861 43,404,293 1% \u20106% 4% 2006-2007 1,708,315,000 140,540,757 2,949,089,178 45,226,331 4% \u20104% 3% 2007-2008 1,860,028,000 140,540,757 3,006,359,917 33,066,917 9% 2% 2% 2008-2009 1,911,003,000 140,540,757 3,275,881,220 15,572,637 3% 9% 1% 2009-2010 1,949,398,000 140,540,757 3,406,732,000 148,444,097 2% 4% 8% 2010-2011 1,946,940,000 140,540,757 3,674,460,000 148,444,097 0% 8% 8% 2011-2012 1,836,073,000 140,540,757 3,261,728,000 155,571,301 \u20106% \u201011% 8% 2011-2012 1,860,073,000 140,540,757 3,157,685,000 181,466,786 1 \u20103% 10% Source: State Department of Social Services Published by the Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. 1901 Alhambra Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95816 Tel. (916) 736-0616 CONTACT PERSON: Kevin Aslanian Cell (916) 712-0071
[email protected] Counties failed to spend $2.3 Billion During this Same Period kevinaslanian Typewritten Text kevinaslanian Typewritten Text TABLE # 2 kevinaslanian Typewritten Text kevinaslanian Typewritten Text TABLE #3. California AFDC\/CalWORKs COLA\/Grant Level History at Glance AFDC\/CalWorks Milestone – Senate Bill SB 796 – Tony Beilenson (D) Enacts the AFDC statutory COLA as a part of the 1971 Welfare Reform Act State Budget Year Benefit Level for a Family of 3 The Annual COLA The Governor 1971-1972 $235 0.9% Ronald Wilson Reagan 1972-1973 $237 2.5% Ronald Wilson Reagan 1973-1974 $243 7.8% Ronald Wilson Reagan 1974-1975 $262 11.8% Ronald Wilson Reagan 1975 $293 8.9% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1976 $319 6.0% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1976-1977 $338 6.3% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1977-1978 $356 0.0% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1978-1979 $356 15.2% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1979-1980 $410 15.4% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1980-1981 $473 -2.1% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1981-1982 $463 9.3% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1982-1983 $506 0.0% Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. I 1983-1984 $526 4.0% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1984-1985 $555 5.5% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1985-1986 $587 5.8% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1986-1987 $617 5.1% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1987-1988 $633 3.6% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1988-1989 $663 4.7% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1989-1990 $694 4.6% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1990-1991 $694 0.0% Courken George Deukmejian Jr. 1991-1992 $663 -4.4% Peter Barton Wilson 1992-1993 $624 -5.8% Peter Barton Wilson 1993-1994 $607 -2.7% Peter Barton Wilson 1994-1995 $607 0.0% Peter Barton Wilson 1996-1997 $538 -8.9% Peter Barton Wilson 1997-1998 $538 0.0% Peter Barton Wilson 1998-1999 $581 2.84% Peter Barton Wilson 1999-2000 $596 2.36% Peter Barton Wilson 2000-2001 $613 2.96% Joseph Graham \”Gray\” Davis Jr. 2001-2002 $ 647- $679 5.31% Joseph Graham \”Gray\” Davis Jr. 2002-2003 $ 671 -$704 3.74% Joseph Graham \”Gray\” Davis Jr. 2003-2004 $ 671- $704 0.0% Joseph Graham \”Gray\” Davis Jr. 2004-2005 $ 704- $723 2.75% Joseph Graham \”Gray\” Davis Jr. 2005-2006 $ 689- $723 0.0% Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger 2006-2007 $ 689- $723 0.0% Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger 2007-2008 $ 689- $723 0.0% Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger 2008-2009 $ 689- $723 0.0% Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger 2009-2010 $ 689- $723 Cola Repealed Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger 2010-2011 $ 638- $608 No COLA Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. II 2011-2012 $ 638- $608 No COLA Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. II 2012-2013 $ 638- $608 No COLA Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. II 2013-2014 $ 638- $608 No COLA Edmund Gerald \”Jerry\” Brown Jr. II ”