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Document 2016-08 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo]CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-08 Latest Governor’s May Revise Highlights \uf034\uf020CalWORKs Money Available for the CalWORKs program in 2016-2017 $7,041,342 million \uf034\uf020How is the over $7 billion spend? Payments to CalWORKs Families Living in Deep Poverty $3 billion 43% of CalWORKs money \uf034\uf020CalWORKs Money for Work Programs and Administration $2.2 billion 31% \uf034\uf020What happens to the rest? CalGrant – $1,108,508 million 16% of all CalWORKs funds \uf034\uf020 Where is the rest? There is another $700 million that May Revise proposes to steal from the mouths of CalWORKs children living in deep poverty that is equal child molestation What’s up this week? April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Tuesday, May 17, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Upon Call of the Chair John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) ALL DEPARTMENTS OPEN ISSUES Wednesday, May 18, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 9:30 am John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) ALL DEPARTMENTS OPEN ISSUES Wednesday, May 18, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 10 am Human Services Issues Assembly Human Services Committee Daphne Hunt, Principle Consultant [email protected] Kelsy Castillo, Committee Consultant [email protected] Irene Frausto, Committee Secretary – [email protected] Phone (916) 319-2089 Fax (916) 319-2189 1020 N St., Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mary Bellamy, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 319-3900 Fax (916) 319-3902 1020 N St., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Susan Bonilla-Chair (D) Phone: 916-319-2014 Fax: 916-319-2114 Room # 4140 Luis Quinonez [email protected] Shannon Grove-Vice Chair (R) Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Joaquin Arambula (D) Phone: 916-319-2031 Fax: 916-319-2131 Room # 5164 Patty Lopez (D) Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein – (R) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond- (D) Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Karina Porcayo [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 492 Gonzalez (D) Room # 6013 Tel. 916-319-2080 Staff: Andrea SanMiguel [email protected] Support CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers on an EBT card. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services AB 1314 – Thurmond (D) Room # 5150 – Tel. 916-319-2015 Staff: Tyrone McGray [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care This is a spot bill for implementation of the new federal federal child care block grant provisions. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1742- Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] WCLP & CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would restore the 60-month time limit. It would also increase the earned income disregard to $450 plus 70% of the reminder. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1747 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh This bill would make food available to college students eligible for CalFresh in various ways. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1770 – Alejo – (D) Room #2196 – Tel. 916–319-2030 Staff: Paco Torres [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This is a spot bill. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1790 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Antonio DiMartino [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would provide that any person meeting the federal work participation rates shall not be sanctioned and shall receive supportive services. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1797 Lackey (R) & Weber (D) Room # – Tel. 916- 319-2036 Staff: Antoine Hage [email protected] SUPPORT In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) This bill would require the county to give IHSS applicants a confirmation number when applying Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1809 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would eliminate any asset test for the CalWORKs program. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1994 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give any CalWORKs recipient without a high school diploma the option of enrolling in a GED program that would provide a $500 bonus for obtaining a GED Certificate similar to the CalLearn Program Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 2057 – Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This is a spot bill relative to CalFresh application Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2058 – Mayes (R) Room # 3104 – Tel. 916- 319-2042 Staff: Joshua White [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give CalWORKs recipient a bonus for attaining a high school diploma, AA degree or a BA while receiving CalWORKS. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2062 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Jasmine Kullar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT This bill would not assess an overpayment for CalWORKs for the month following the month of the change, like CalFresh. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2151 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give a CalWORKs recipient additional money for a special diet due to a medical condition. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2346 Baker (R) Room # 4153 – Tel. 916- 319-2016 Staff: Faith Lane [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT State Hearings – This bill would authorize respondents of a state hearing available electronically. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2448 Burke (D) Room # 5144 – Tel. 916- 319-2062 Staff: Allison Ruff [email protected] CWDA SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would allow counties to allow WtW participants engage in pre-postsecondary educational activities before being required to attend job club that would not count against the 24-month clock. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2608 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill is a spot bill Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2631 – Santiago (D) Room # 5119 – Tel. 916- 319-2053 Staff: Jaspreet Johl [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the once-in-a-lifetime limitation for homeless assistance and provide temporary homeless assistance for 30 days. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 Senate Human Services Committee Mareva Brown, Principle Committee Consultant [email protected] Taryn Smith, Committee Consultant [email protected] Mark Teemer, Committee Secretary [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 266-9350 1020 N St. Suite 521, Sacramento, CA 95814 Joe Parra, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1501 Fax (916) 445-33105 1020 N St. Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire,- (D) – Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (R) – Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu – (D) Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 [bookmark: _GoBack]Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock (D) Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen (R) Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell(D) Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Luan Huynh [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Assembly floor. Next stop. Governor’s Desk SB 876- Liu- (D) Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This is a homeless right bill of 2016. Died in Senate Transportation Committee SB904- Hertzberg (D) Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Elizabeth Bojorquez [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would require the State to seek available federal waivers for able-bodied adults without children. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 947- Pan (D) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO CWDA WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1232- Leno (D) Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Sunday Balalis [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would give the require the county to provide an adequate notice of action for any negative action resulting from a credit report. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1339- Monning (D) Room # 313 916-651-4017 Staff: Ryan Guillen [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP United Way of California SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh\/ Medi-Cal – This bill would simplify the inter-county-transfer process for CalWORKs by not requiring an interview for the transfer and assure that Medi-Cal coverage is seamless. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1373- Stone (R) Room # 4062 916-651-4028 Staff: Bijan Mehryar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work – This bill would require that WtW participant be issued standard payments $100 and $500 a semester for full college students and $250 for part-time students. Participant shall have the option of claiming actual expenses if they present evidence of necessary costs. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 Committee Members Office Phone Fax Lorena Gonzales (D) Chair Room 2114 (916) 319-2051 (916) 319-2080 Frank Bigelow – (R)(Vice Chair) Room 6027 (916) 319-2005 (916) 319-2105 Richard Bloom – (D) Room 2003 (916) 319-2050 (916) 319-2150 Susan A. Bonilla – (D) Room 4140 (916) 319-2014 (916) 319-2114 Rob Bonta – (D) Room 6005 (916) 319-2018 (916) 319-2118 Ian C. Calderon – (D) Room 2148 (916) 319-2057 (916) 319-2157 Ling Ling Chang- (R) Room 3149 (916) 319-2055 (916) 319-2155 Tom Daly – (D) Room 3126 (916) 319-2069 (916) 319-2169 Susan Talamantes Eggman – (D) Room 3173 (916) 319-2013 (916) 319-2113 James Gallagher – (R) Room 5128 (916) 319-2003 (916) 319-2103 Eduardo Garcia – (D) Room 4162 (916) 319-2056 (916) 319-2156 Chris R. Holden – (D) Room 319 (916) 319-2041 (916) 319-2141 Brian W. Jones – (R) Room 3141 (916) 319-2071 (916) 319-2071 Bill Quirk – (D) Room 2163 (916) 319-2020 (916) 319-2120 Donald P. Wagner – (R) Room 3098 (916) 319-2068 (916) 319-2168 Shirley N. Weber – (D) Room 6026 (916) 319-2079 (916) 319-2179 Jim Wood – (D) Room 5164 (916) 319-2002 (916) 319-2102 Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916-651-4101 Fax 916-651-4901 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee Member Room Phone Fax Senator Ricardo Lara – (D) (Chair) 5050 (916) 651-4033 (916) 651-4933 Senator Patricia Bates – (R) (Vice Chair) 4048 (916) 651-4036 (916) 651-4936 Senator Jim Beall – (D) 5066 (916) 651-4015 (916) 651-4915 Senator Jerry Hill – (D) 5035 (916) 651-4013 (916) 651-4913 Senator Connie Leyva – (D) 4061 (916) 651-4020 (916) 651-4920 Senator Tony Mendoza – (D) 5061 (916) 651-4032 (916) 651-4932 Senator Jim Nielsen – (R) 2068 (916) 651-4004 (916) 651-4904 Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond, Chair Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Karina Porcayo [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove (R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel,- (D) Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Luan Huynh [email protected] Jeff Stone,- (R) Vice Chair Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning – (D) Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Theresa Pena, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2016 REGULAR SESSION May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1) CCWRO Services The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state- wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years. CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-Cal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: – Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. – Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. – Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. – Legislative Advocacy – Administrative Advocacy – Co-counsel on administrative lawsuits. – Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-712-0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-947-1037 Daphne Maclin, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-613-8586 ”

pdf 2016-07 CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action

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2016-07 CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker.pdf

” April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Last Major Action On March 30, 2016 the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services took the following action: Repeal MFG and Provide Grant Increase. Repeal the MFG rule, with the adoption of placeholder trailer bill language to accomplish this, and provide a 4 percent increase to the CalWORKs Maximum Aid Payment, all effective January 1, 2017. Aye Vote: Thurmond (D) , Ting (D) and Chiu (D) . No votes Obernolte (R) and Harper (R) New Bill AJR 35- Brown Calling for Food Stamps for SSI Recipients What’s up this week? ADVOCATE ACTION: Come to the hearing and show your support for these great bills See public benefits bills scheduled for 4-12-16. Assembly Human Services Committee Date: April 12, 2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Room 437 BILLS HEARD IN ORDER OF AUTHOR SIGN-IN Measure: Author: Summary CCWRO Position A.B.No. 1770 – Alejo. Food assistance program: eligibility. Support A.B.No. 1790 – Weber. CalWORKs: welfare-to-work. Support A.B.No. 2057 – Mark Stone. CalFresh: application information. Support A.B.No. 2058 – Mayes. CalWORKs . Support A.B.No. 2062 – Lopez. CalWORKs: Earned income reporting. Support A.B.No. 2150 – Santiago. Subsidized child care eligibility periods Support .A.B.No. 2256 – Maienschein. Homelessness: report. Support A.B.No. 2631 – Santiago. CalWORKs: housing assistance. Support CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-07 April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Assembly Human Services Committee Daphne Hunt, Principle Consultant [email protected] Kelsy Castillo, Committee Consultant [email protected] Irene Frausto, Committee Secretary – [email protected] Phone (916) 319-2089 Fax (916) 319-2189 1020 N St., Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mary Bellamy, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 319-3900 Fax (916) 319-3902 1020 N St., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Susan Bonilla-Chair (D) Phone: 916-319-2014 Fax: 916-319-2114 Room # 4140 Luis Quinonez [email protected] Shannon Grove-Vice Chair (R) Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Ian C. Calderon (D) Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Dylan Hoffman [email protected] Patty Lopez (D) Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein – (R) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond- (D) Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Karina Porcayo [email protected] April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 492 Gonzalez (D) Room # 6013 Tel. 916-319-2080 Staff: Andrea SanMiguel [email protected] Support CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers on an EBT card. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services AB 1314 – Thurmond (D) Room # 5150 – Tel. 916-319-2015 Staff: Tyrone McGray [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care This is a spot bill for implementation of the new federal federal child care block grant provisions. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1742- Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] WCLP & CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would restore the 60-month time limit. It would also increase the earned income disregard to $450 plus 70% of the reminder. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1747 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh This bill would make food available to college students eligible for CalFresh in various ways. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1770 – Alejo – (D) Room #2196 – Tel. 916–319-2030 Staff: Taco Torres [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This is a spot bill. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1790 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Antonio DiMartino [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would provide that any person meeting the federal work participation rates shall not be sanctioned and shall receive supportive services. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1797 Lackey (R) & Weber (D) Room # – Tel. 916- 319-2036 Staff: Antoine Hage [email protected] SUPPORT In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) This bill would require the county to give IHSS applicants a confirmation number when applying Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1809 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would eliminate any asset test for the CalWORKs program. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1994 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give any CalWORKs recipient without a high school diploma the option of enrolling in a GED program that would provide a $500 bonus for obtaining a GED Certificate similar to the CalLearn Program Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 2057 – Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This is a spot bill relative to CalFresh application Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2058 – Mayes (R) Room # 3104 – Tel. 916- 319-2042 Staff: Joshua White [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give CalWORKs recipient a bonus for attaining a high school diploma, AA degree or a BA while receiving CalWORKS. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2062 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Jasmine Kullar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT This bill would not assess an overpayment for CalWORKs for the month following the month of the change, like CalFresh. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2151 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give a CalWORKs recipient additional money for a special diet due to a medical condition. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2346 Baker (R) Room # 4153 – Tel. 916- 319-2016 Staff: Faith Lane [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT State Hearings – This bill would authorize respondents of a state hearing available electronically. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2448 Burke (D) Room # 5144 – Tel. 916- 319-2062 Staff: Allison Ruff [email protected] CWDA SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would allow counties to allow WtW participants engage in pre-postsecondary educational activities before being required to attend job club that would not count against the 24-month clock. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2608 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill is a spot bill Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2631 – Santiago (D) Room # 5119 – Tel. 916- 319-2053 Staff: Jaspreet Johl [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the once-in-a-lifetime limitation for homeless assistance and provide temporary homeless assistance for 30 days. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Senate Human Services Committee Mareva Brown, Principle Committee Consultant [email protected] Taryn Smith, Committee Consultant [email protected] Mark Teemer, Committee Secretary [email protected] Phone (916) 651-\u00ad\u2010\u20111524 Fax (916) 266-\u00ad\u2010\u20119350 1020 N St. Suite 521, Sacramento, CA 95814 Joe Parra, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 651-\u00ad\u2010\u20111501 Fax (916) 445-\u00ad\u2010\u201133105 1020 N St. Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire,- (D) – Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (R) – Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu – (D) Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock (D) Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen (R) Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell(D) Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Luan Huynh [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. Next stop. Governor’s Desk SB 876- Liu- (D) Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This is a homeless right bill of 2016. Died in Senate Transportation Committee April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 SB904- Hertzberg (D) Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Elizabeth Bojorquez [email protected]. gov CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would require the State to seek available federal waivers for able-bodied adults without children. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 910- Berryhill (R) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Joe Parra [email protected] CalWORKs – Spot Bill Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 947- Pan (D) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO CWDA WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1232- Leno (D) Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Sunday Balalis [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would give the require the county to provide an adequate notice of action for any negative action resulting from a credit report. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1339- Monning (D) Room # 313 916-651-4017 Staff: Ryan Guillen [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP United Way of California SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh\/ Medi-Cal – This bill would simplify the inter-county- transfer process for CalWORKs by not requiring an interview for the transfer and assure that Medi-Cal coverage is seamless. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1373- Stone (R) Room # 4062 916-651-4028 Staff: Bijan Mehryar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs Welfare-to- Work – This bill would require that WtW participant be issued standard payments $100 and $500 a semester for full college students and $250 for part-time students. Participant shall have the option of claiming actual expenses if they present evidence of necessary costs. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Assembly Appropriations Committee 916-\u00ad\u2010\u2011319-\u00ad\u2010\u20112637 Room 6027 Committee Members Office Phone Fax Lorena Gonzales (D) Chair Room 2114 (916) 319-2051 (916) 319-2080 Frank Bigelow – (R)(Vice Chair) Room 6027 (916) 319-2005 (916) 319-2105 Richard Bloom – (D) Room 2003 (916) 319-2050 (916) 319-2150 Susan A. Bonilla – (D) Room 4140 (916) 319-2014 (916) 319-2114 Rob Bonta – (D) Room 6005 (916) 319-2018 (916) 319-2118 Ian C. Calderon – (D) Room 2148 (916) 319-2057 (916) 319-2157 Ling Ling Chang- (R) Room 3149 (916) 319-2055 (916) 319-2155 Tom Daly – (D) Room 3126 (916) 319-2069 (916) 319-2169 Susan Talamantes Eggman – (D) Room 3173 (916) 319-2013 (916) 319-2113 James Gallagher – (R) Room 5128 (916) 319-2003 (916) 319-2103 Eduardo Garcia – (D) Room 4162 (916) 319-2056 (916) 319-2156 Chris R. Holden – (D) Room 319 (916) 319-2041 (916) 319-2141 Brian W. Jones – (R) Room 3141 (916) 319-2071 (916) 319-2071 Bill Quirk – (D) Room 2163 (916) 319-2020 (916) 319-2120 Donald P. Wagner – (R) Room 3098 (916) 319-2068 (916) 319-2168 Shirley N. Weber – (D) Room 6026 (916) 319-2079 (916) 319-2179 Jim Wood – (D) Room 5164 (916) 319-2002 (916) 319-2102 Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916-651-4101 Fax 916-651-4901 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee Member Room Phone Fax Senator Ricardo Lara – (D) (Chair) 5050 (916) 651-4033 (916) 651-4933 Senator Patricia Bates – (R) (Vice Chair) 4048 (916) 651-4036 (916) 651-4936 Senator Jim Beall – (D) 5066 (916) 651-4015 (916) 651-4915 Senator Jerry Hill – (D) 5035 (916) 651-4013 (916) 651-4913 Senator Connie Leyva – (D) 4061 (916) 651-4020 (916) 651-4920 Senator Tony Mendoza – (D) 5061 (916) 651-4032 (916) 651-4932 Senator Jim Nielsen – (R) 2068 (916) 651-4004 (916) 651-4904 Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond, Chair Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Karina Porcayo [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove (R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services & Foster Care Community Care Licensing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration 5180 Department of Social Services Automation Projects State Hearings April Finance Letters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel,- (D) Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Luan Huynh [email protected] Jeff Stone,- (R) Vice Chair Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning – (D) Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Theresa Pena, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) Item Description 4150 Department of Managed Health Care 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal – Overview Denti-Cal Managed Risk Medical Insurance Program Other Items THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 JOINT HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBC. NO. 1 ON EDUCATION AND BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATORS BLOCK AND MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) OVERSIGHT HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services 6100 Department of Education April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016 HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) HEARING SUBJECT: Department of Community Development 5180 Department of Social Services In-Home Supportive Services ( IHSS) SSI\/SSP THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal Rates & Access Coordinated Care Initiative THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016 HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) HEARING SUBJECT: Open issues All Department April 11, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-07 LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2016 REGULAR SESSION Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1) CCWRO Services The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state-\u00ad wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years. CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-\u00adHome Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-\u00adCal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-\u00adto-\u00adWork (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: -\u00ad Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. -\u00ad Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. -\u00ad Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. -\u00ad Legislative Advocacy -\u00ad Administrative Advocacy -\u00ad Co-\u00adcounsel on administrative lawsuits. -\u00ad Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-\u00ad712-\u00ad0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-\u00ad947-\u00ad1037 Daphne Maclin, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-\u00ad613-\u00ad8586 Catherine (Mika) Takayama, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 510-\u00ad220-\u00ad7928 ”

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” April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 Last Week Highlight On March 30, 2016 the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services took the following action: Repeal MFG and Provide Grant Increase. Repeal the MFG rule, with the adoption of placeholder trailer bill language to accomplish this, and provide a 4 percent increase to the CalWORKs Maximum Aid Payment, all effective January 1, 2017. Aye Vote: Thurmond (D) , Ting (D) and Chiu (D) . No votes Obernolte (R) and Harper (R) What’s up this week? ADVOCATE ACTION: Letters of support for bills set for a hearing on April 5, 2016 See public benefits bills scheduled for 4-12-16. Assembly Human Services Committee Date: April 12, 2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Room 437 BILLS HEARD IN ORDER OF AUTHOR SIGN-IN Measure: Author: Summary A.B.No. 1770 – Alejo.Food assistance program: eligibility. – CCWRO – Support A.B.No. 1790 – Weber.CalWORKs: welfare-to-work. – CCWRO – Support A.B.No. 2057 – Mark Stone. CalFresh: application information. – CCWRO – Support A.B.No. 2058 – Mayes.CalWORKs Educational Opportunity and Attainment Program. CCWRO – Support A.B.No. 2062 – Lopez.CalWORKs: income reporting: benefit redetermination. – CCWRO – Support A.B.No. 2150 – Santiago.Subsidized child care and development services: eligibility periods CCWRO – Support .A.B.No. 2256 – Maienschein.Homelessness: report. – CCWRO – Support A.B.No. 2631 – Santiago.CalWORKs: housing assistance. – CCWRO – Support CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-06 April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 Assembly Human Services Committee Daphne Hunt, Principle Consultant [email protected] Kelsy Castillo, Committee Consultant [email protected] Irene Frausto, Committee Secretary – [email protected] Phone (916) 319-2089 Fax (916) 319-2189 1020 N St., Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mary Bellamy, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 319-3900 Fax (916) 319-3902 1020 N St., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Susan Bonilla-Chair (D) Phone: 916-319-2014 Fax: 916-319-2114 Room # 4140 Luis Quinonez [email protected] Shannon Grove-Vice Chair (R) Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Ian C. Calderon (D) Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Dylan Hoffman [email protected] Patty Lopez (D) Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein – (R) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond- (D) Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Karina Porcayo [email protected] April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 492 Gonzalez (D) Room # 6013 Tel. 916-319-2080 Staff: Andrea SanMiguel [email protected] Support CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers on an EBT card. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services AB 1314 – Thurmond (D) Room # 5150 – Tel. 916-319-2015 Staff: Tyrone McGray [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care This is a spot bill for implementation of the new federal federal child care block grant provisions. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1742- Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] WCLP & CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would restore the 60-month time limit. It would also increase the earned income disregard to $450 plus 70% of the reminder. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1747 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh This bill would make food available to college students eligible for CalFresh in various ways. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1770 – Alejo – (D) Room #2196 – Tel. 916–319-2030 Staff: Taco Torres [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This is a spot bill. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1790 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would provide that any person meeting the federal work participation rates shall not be sanctioned and shall receive supportive services. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1797 Lackey (R) & Weber (D) Room # – Tel. 916- 319-2036 Staff: Antoine Hage [email protected] SUPPORT In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) This bill would require the county to give IHSS applicants a confirmation number when applying Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1809 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would eliminate any asset test for the CalWORKs program. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 1994 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give any CalWORKs recipient without a high school diploma the option of enrolling in a GED program that would provide a $500 bonus for obtaining a GED Certificate similar to the CalLearn Program Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 2057 – Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This is a spot bill relative to CalFresh application Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2058 – Mayes (R) Room # 3104 – Tel. 916- 319-2042 Staff: Joshua White [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give CalWORKs recipient a bonus for attaining a high school diploma, AA degree or a BA while receiving CalWORKS. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2062 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Jasmine Kullar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT This bill would not assess an overpayment for CalWORKs for the month following the month of the change, like CalFresh. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2151 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give a CalWORKs recipient additional money for a special diet due to a medical condition. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2346 Baker (R) Room # 4153 – Tel. 916- 319-2016 Staff: Faith Lane [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT State Hearings – This bill would authorize respondents of a state hearing available electronically. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2448 Burke (D) Room # 5144 – Tel. 916- 319-2062 Staff: Allison Ruff [email protected] CWDA SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would allow counties to allow WtW participants engage in pre-postsecondary educational activities before being required to attend job club that would not count against the 24-month clock. Passed Assembly Human Services. Next Stop Assembly Approps. AB 2608 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill is a spot bill Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2631 – Santiago (D) Room # 5119 – Tel. 916- 319-2053 Staff: Jaspreet Johl [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the once-in-a-lifetime limitation for homeless assistance and provide temporary homeless assistance for 30 days. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 Senate Human Services Committee Mareva Brown, Principle Committee Consultant [email protected] Taryn Smith, Committee Consultant [email protected] Mark Teemer, Committee Secretary [email protected] Phone (916) 651-\u00ad\u2010\u20111524 Fax (916) 266-\u00ad\u2010\u20119350 1020 N St. Suite 521, Sacramento, CA 95814 Joe Parra, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 651-\u00ad\u2010\u20111501 Fax (916) 445-\u00ad\u2010\u201133105 1020 N St. Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire,- (D) – Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (R) – Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu – (D) Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock (D) Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen (R) Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell(D) Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Luan Huynh [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. Next stop. Governor’s Desk SB 876- Liu- (D) Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This is a homeless right bill of 2016. Died in Senate Transportation Committee April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 SB904- Hertzberg (D) Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Elizabeth Bojorquez [email protected]. gov CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would require the State to seek available federal waivers for able-bodied adults without children. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 910- Berryhill (R) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Joe Parra [email protected] CalWORKs – Spot Bill Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 947- Pan (D) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO CWDA WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1232- Leno (D) Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Sunday Balalis [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would give the require the county to provide an adequate notice of action for any negative action resulting from a credit report. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1339- Monning (D) Room # 313 916-651-4017 Staff: Ryan Guillen [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP United Way of California SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh\/ Medi-Cal – This bill would simplify the inter-county- transfer process for CalWORKs by not requiring an interview for the transfer and assure that Medi-Cal coverage is seamless. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. SB 1373- Stone (R) Room # 4062 916-651-4028 Staff: Bijan Mehryar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs Welfare-to- Work – This bill would require that WtW participant be issued standard payments $100 and $500 a semester for full college students and $250 for part-time students. Participant shall have the option of claiming actual expenses if they present evidence of necessary costs. Passed Senate Human Services. Next Stop Senate Approps. April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 Assembly Appropriations Committee 916-\u00ad\u2010\u2011319-\u00ad\u2010\u20112637 Room 6027 Committee Members Office Phone Fax Lorena Gonzales (D) Chair Room 2114 (916) 319-2051 (916) 319-2080 Frank Bigelow – (R)(Vice Chair) Room 6027 (916) 319-2005 (916) 319-2105 Richard Bloom – (D) Room 2003 (916) 319-2050 (916) 319-2150 Susan A. Bonilla – (D) Room 4140 (916) 319-2014 (916) 319-2114 Rob Bonta – (D) Room 6005 (916) 319-2018 (916) 319-2118 Ian C. Calderon – (D) Room 2148 (916) 319-2057 (916) 319-2157 Ling Ling Chang- (R) Room 3149 (916) 319-2055 (916) 319-2155 Tom Daly – (D) Room 3126 (916) 319-2069 (916) 319-2169 Susan Talamantes Eggman – (D) Room 3173 (916) 319-2013 (916) 319-2113 James Gallagher – (R) Room 5128 (916) 319-2003 (916) 319-2103 Eduardo Garcia – (D) Room 4162 (916) 319-2056 (916) 319-2156 Chris R. Holden – (D) Room 319 (916) 319-2041 (916) 319-2141 Brian W. Jones – (R) Room 3141 (916) 319-2071 (916) 319-2071 Bill Quirk – (D) Room 2163 (916) 319-2020 (916) 319-2120 Donald P. Wagner – (R) Room 3098 (916) 319-2068 (916) 319-2168 Shirley N. Weber – (D) Room 6026 (916) 319-2079 (916) 319-2179 Jim Wood – (D) Room 5164 (916) 319-2002 (916) 319-2102 Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916-651-4101 Fax 916-651-4901 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee Member Room Phone Fax Senator Ricardo Lara – (D) (Chair) 5050 (916) 651-4033 (916) 651-4933 Senator Patricia Bates – (R) (Vice Chair) 4048 (916) 651-4036 (916) 651-4936 Senator Jim Beall – (D) 5066 (916) 651-4015 (916) 651-4915 Senator Jerry Hill – (D) 5035 (916) 651-4013 (916) 651-4913 Senator Connie Leyva – (D) 4061 (916) 651-4020 (916) 651-4920 Senator Tony Mendoza – (D) 5061 (916) 651-4032 (916) 651-4932 Senator Jim Nielsen – (R) 2068 (916) 651-4004 (916) 651-4904 Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond, Chair Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Karina Porcayo [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove (R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services & Foster Care Community Care Licensing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration 5180 Department of Social Services Automation Projects State Hearings April Finance Letters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel,- (D) Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Luan Huynh [email protected] Jeff Stone,- (R) Vice Chair Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning – (D) Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Theresa Pena, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) Item Description 4150 Department of Managed Health Care 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal – Overview Denti-Cal Managed Risk Medical Insurance Program Other Items THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 JOINT HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBC. NO. 1 ON EDUCATION AND BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATORS BLOCK AND MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) OVERSIGHT HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services 6100 Department of Education April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016 HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) HEARING SUBJECT: Department of Community Development 5180 Department of Social Services In-Home Supportive Services ( IHSS) SSI\/SSP THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal Rates & Access Coordinated Care Initiative THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016 HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) HEARING SUBJECT: Open issues All Department April 3, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-06 LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2016 REGULAR SESSION Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1) CCWRO Services The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state-\u00ad wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years. CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-\u00adHome Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-\u00adCal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-\u00adto-\u00adWork (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: -\u00ad Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. -\u00ad Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. -\u00ad Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. -\u00ad Legislative Advocacy -\u00ad Administrative Advocacy -\u00ad Co-\u00adcounsel on administrative lawsuits. -\u00ad Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-\u00ad712-\u00ad0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-\u00ad947-\u00ad1037 Daphne Maclin, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-\u00ad613-\u00ad8586 Catherine (Mika) Takayama, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 510-\u00ad220-\u00ad7928 ”

Document 2016-05 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo]CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-04 What’s up this week? March 21, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-04 Page 7 of 11 This week the legislature is on spring vacation ADVOCATE ACTION: Letters of support for bills set for a hearing on March 29, 2016 See public benefits bills scheduled for 3-29-16. Senate Human Services Committee Date: March 29, 2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Place: Room 3191 MEASURES HEARD IN FILE ORDER S.B.No. 904 Hertzberg.Public social services: CalFresh. S.B.No. 947 Pan.Public assistance: personal interviews. S.B.No. 1232 Leno.CalFresh: eligibility determinations. S.B.No. 1339 Monning.Public social services: inter-county transfers. S.B.No. 1373 Stone.CalWORKs: welfare-to-work: supportive services. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUB. NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Poverty and Homelessness in California CalWORKs CalFresh 5175 Child Support Services Assembly Human Services Committee Date: March 29, 2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Room 437 BILLS HEARD IN ORDER OF AUTHOR SIGN-IN Measure: Author: Summary A.B.No. 1584 Brown.Public social services: SSI\/SSP. A.B.No. 1679 Weber.Child care: state preschool programs: eligibility: military families. A.B.No. 1688 Rodriguez.Dependent children: out-of-county placement: notice. A.B.No. 1742 Mark Stone.CalWORKs: eligibility. A.B.No. 1747 Weber.Food assistance: higher education students. A.B.No. 1797 Lackey.In-home supportive services: application. A.B.No. 1809 Lopez.CalWORKs eligibility: asset limits. A.B.No. 1930 Lackey.In-home supportive services: family caregivers: advisory committee. A.B.No. 1994 Lopez.CalED Program. A.B.No. 2054 Thurmond.Nutrition assistance: Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children. A.B.No. 2099 Mark Stone.Safe drinking water assistance program. A.B.No. 2151 Chu.CalWORKs: special diet or food preparation needs allowance. A.B.No. 2346 Baker.Public social services: hearings. A.B.No. 2448 Burke.CalWORKs: welfare-to-work: education. Assembly Human Services Committee Daphne Hunt, Principle Consultant [email protected] Kelsy Castillo, Committee Consultant [email protected] Irene Frausto, Committee Secretary – [email protected] Phone (916) 319-2089 Fax (916) 319-2189 1020 N St., Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mary Bellamy, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 319-3900 Fax (916) 319-3902 1020 N St., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Susan Bonilla-Chair (D) Phone: 916-319-2014 Fax: 916-319-2114 Room # 4140 Daphne Hunt [email protected] Shannon Grove-Vice Chair (R) Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Ian C. Calderon (D) Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez (D) Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein – (R) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond- (D) Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 492 Gonzalez (D) Room # 6013 Tel. 916-319-2080 Staff: Andrea SanMiguel [email protected] Support CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers on an EBT card. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services AB 1314 – Thurmond (D) Room # 5150 – Tel. 916-319-2015 Staff: Tyrone McGray [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care This is a spot bill for implementation of the new federal federal child care block grant provisions. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1742- Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] WCLP & CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would restore the 60-month time limit. It would also increase the earned income disregard to $450 plus 70% of the reminder. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1747 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh This bill would make food available to college students eligible for CalFresh in various ways. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1770 – Alejo – (D) Room #2196 – Tel. 916–319-2030 Staff: Paco Torres [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This is a spot bill. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1790 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would provide that any person meeting the federal work participation rates shall not be sanctioned and shall receive supportive services. Assembly Human Services April 12, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1797 Lackey (R) & Weber (D) Room # – Tel. 916- 319-2036 Staff: Antoine Hage [email protected] SUPPORT In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) This bill would require the county to give IHSS applicants a confirmation number when applying Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1809 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would eliminate any asset test for the CalWORKs program. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1994 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give any CalWORKs recipient without a high school diploma the option of enrolling in a GED program that would provide a $500 bonus for obtaining a GED Certificate similar to the CalLearn Program Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 2057 – Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This is a spot bill relative to CalFresh application Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2058 – Mayes (R) Room # 3104 – Tel. 916- 319-2042 Staff: Joshua White [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give CalWORKs recipient a bonus for attaining a high school diploma, AA degree or a BA while receiving CalWORKS. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2062 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Jasmine Kullar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT This bill would not assess an overpayment for CalWORKs for the month following the month of the change, like CalFresh. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2151 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give a CalWORKs recipient additional money for a special diet due to a medical condition. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2346 Baker (R) Room # 4153 – Tel. 916- 319-2016 Staff: Faith Lane [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT State Hearings – This bill would authorize respondents of a state hearing available electronically. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2448 Burke (D) Room # 5144 – Tel. 916- 319-2062 Staff: Allison Ruff [email protected] CWDA SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would allow counties to allow WtW participants engage in pre-postsecondary educational activities before being required to attend job club that would not count against the 24-month clock. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2608 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill is a spot bill Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2631 – Santiago (D) Room # 5119 – Tel. 916- 319-2053 Staff: Jaspreet Johl [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the once-in-a-lifetime limitation for homeless assistance and provide temporary homeless assistance for 30 days. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services Senate Human Services Committee Mareva Brown, Principle Committee Consultant [email protected] Taryn Smith, Committee Consultant [email protected] Mark Teemer, Committee Secretary [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 266-9350 1020 N St. Suite 521, Sacramento, CA 95814 Joe Parra, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1501 Fax (916) 445-33105 1020 N St. Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire,- (D) – Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (R) – Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu – (D) Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock (D) Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen (R) Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell(D) Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Luan Huynh [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. Next stop. Governor’s Desk SB 876- Liu- (D) Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This is a homeless right bill of 2016. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB904- Hertzberg (D) Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Elizabeth Bojorquez [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would require the State to seek available federal waivers for able-bodied adults without children. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 910- Berryhill (R) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Joe Parra [email protected] CalWORKs – Spot Bill Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 947- Pan (D) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO CWDA WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 1232- Leno (D) Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Sunday Balalis [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would give the require the county to provide an adequate notice of action for any negative action resulting from a credit report. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 1339- Monning (D) Room # 313 916-651-4017 Staff: Ryan Guillen [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP United Way of California SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh\/ Medi-Cal – This bill would simplify the inter-county-transfer process for CalWORKs by not requiring an interview for the transfer and assure that Medi-Cal coverage is seamless. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 1373- Stone (R) Room # 4062 916-651-4028 Staff: Bijan Mehryar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work – This bill would require that WtW participant be issued standard payments of bus-pass for transportation and $500 a semester for college students. Participant shall have the option of claiming actual expenses if they present evidence of necessary costs. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 Committee Members Office Phone Fax Lorena Gonzalez- (D) (Chair) Room 2114 (916) 319-2051 (916) 319-2151 Frank Bigelow – (R)(Vice Chair) Room 6027 (916) 319-2005 (916) 319-2105 Richard Bloom – (D) Room 2003 (916) 319-2050 (916) 319-2150 Susan A. Bonilla – (D) Room 4140 (916) 319-2014 (916) 319-2114 Rob Bonta – (D) Room 6005 (916) 319-2018 (916) 319-2118 Ian C. Calderon – (D) Room 2148 (916) 319-2057 (916) 319-2157 Ling Ling Chang- (R) Room 3149 (916) 319-2055 (916) 319-2155 Tom Daly – (D) Room 3126 (916) 319-2069 (916) 319-2169 Susan Talamantes Eggman – (D) Room 3173 (916) 319-2013 (916) 319-2113 James Gallagher – (R) Room 5128 (916) 319-2003 (916) 319-2103 Eduardo Garcia – (D) Room 4162 (916) 319-2056 (916) 319-2156 Chris R. Holden – (D) Room 319 (916) 319-2041 (916) 319-2141 Brian W. Jones – (R) Room 3141 (916) 319-2071 (916) 319-2071 Bill Quirk – (D) Room 2163 (916) 319-2020 (916) 319-2120 Donald P. Wagner – (R) Room 3098 (916) 319-2068 (916) 319-2168 Shirley N. Weber – (D) Room 6026 (916) 319-2079 (916) 319-2179 Jim Wood – (D) Room 5164 (916) 319-2002 (916) 319-2102 Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916-651-4101 Fax 916-651-4901 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee Member Room Phone Fax Senator Ricardo Lara – (D) (Chair) 5050 (916) 651-4033 (916) 651-4933 Senator Patricia Bates – (R) (Vice Chair) 4048 (916) 651-4036 (916) 651-4936 Senator Jim Beall – (D) 5066 (916) 651-4015 (916) 651-4915 Senator Jerry Hill – (D) 5035 (916) 651-4013 (916) 651-4913 Senator Connie Leyva – (D) 4061 (916) 651-4020 (916) 651-4920 Senator Tony Mendoza – (D) 5061 (916) 651-4032 (916) 651-4932 Senator Jim Nielsen – (R) 2068 (916) 651-4004 (916) 651-4904 Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond, Chair Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove (R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Poverty and Homelessness in California CalWORKs CalFresh 5175 Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services & Foster Care Community Care Licensing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration 5180 Department of Social Services Automation Projects State Hearings April Finance Letters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues [bookmark: _GoBack] WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel,- (D) Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Luan Huynh [email protected] Jeff Stone,- (R) Vice Chair Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Bijan Mehryar [email protected] Bill Monning – (D) Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Theresa Pena, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 JOINT HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBC. NO. 1 ON EDUCATION AND BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATORS BLOCK AND MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) OVERSIGHT HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services 6100 Department of Education LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2016 REGULAR SESSION Mar. 27 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(2)). Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1) CCWRO Services The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state- wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years. CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-Cal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: – Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. – Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. – Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. – Legislative Advocacy – Administrative Advocacy – Co-counsel on administrative lawsuits. – Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-712-0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-947-1037 Daphne Maclin, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-613-8586 Catherine (Mika) Takayama, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 510-220-7928 ”

Document 2016-04 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo]CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-04 What’s up this week? March 14, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-04 Page 11 of 12 MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 1:30 p.m. Room 127 Issue Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 2 ON EDUCATION MCCARTY, Chair 9:00 a.m. Room 444 6980 California Student Aid Commission – This year the Student Aid Commission is scheduled to take over $826 million CalWORKs program that would contribute to California’s CalWORKs children living in deep poverty California leads the nation in child poverty. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room 4203 Item Description 4150 Department of Managed Health Care 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal – Overview Denti-Cal Managed Risk Medical Insurance Program Other Items SUPPORT\/OPPOSE LETTER DEADLINE – Support or Opposition Letter for Bills scheduled for 3-29-16 hearing in Assembly and Senate Human Services Committee due Monday, March 21, 2016 Assembly Human Services Committee Myesha Jackson, Principle Consultant [email protected] Daphne Hunt, Committee Consultant [email protected] Irene Frausto, Committee Secretary – [email protected] Phone (916) 319-2089 Fax (916) 319-2189 1020 N St., Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mary Bellamy, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 319-3900 Fax (916) 319-3902 1020 N St., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Susan Bonilla-Chair (D) Phone: 916-319-2014 Fax: 916-319-2114 Room # 4140 Daphne Hunt [email protected] Shannon Grove-Vice Chair (R) Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Ian C. Calderon (D) Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez (D) Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein – (R) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond- (D) Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 492 Gonzalez (D) Room # 6013 Tel. 916-319-2080 Staff: Andrea SanMiguel [email protected] Support CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers on an EBT card. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services AB 1314 – Thurmond (D) Room # 5150 – Tel. 916-319-2015 Staff: Tyrone McGray [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care This is a spot bill for implementation of the new federal federal child care block grant provisions. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1742- Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] WCLP & CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would restore the 60-month time limit. It would also increase the earned income disregard to $450 plus 70% of the reminder. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1747 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh This bill would make food available to college students eligible for CalFresh in various ways. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1770 – Alejo – (D) Room #2196 – Tel. 916–319-2030 Staff: Taco Torres [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This is a spot bill. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1790 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would provide that any person meeting the federal work participation rates shall not be sanctioned and shall receive supportive services. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1797 Lackey (R) & Weber (D) Room # – Tel. 916- 319-2036 Staff: Antoine Hage [email protected] SUPPORT In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) This bill would require the county to give IHSS applicants a confirmation number when applying Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1809 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would eliminate any asset test for the CalWORKs program. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1994 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give any CalWORKs recipient without a high school diploma the option of enrolling in a GED program that would provide a $500 bonus for obtaining a GED Certificate similar to the CalLearn Program Assembly Human Services March 20, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 2057 – Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This is a spot bill relative to CalFresh application Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2058 – Mayes (R) Room # 3104 – Tel. 916- 319-2042 Staff: Joshua White [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give CalWORKs recipient a bonus for attaining a high school diploma, AA degree or a BA while receiving CalWORKS. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2062 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Jasmine Kullar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT This bill would not assess an overpayment for CalWORKs for the month following the month of the change, like CalFresh. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2151 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give a CalWORKs recipient additional money for a special diet due to a medical condition. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2346 Baker (R) Room # 4153 – Tel. 916- 319-2016 Staff: Faith Lane [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT State Hearings – This bill would authorize respondents of a state hearing available electronically. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2448 Burke (D) Room # 5144 – Tel. 916- 319-2062 Staff: Allison Ruff [email protected] CWDA SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would allow counties to allow WtW participants engage in pre-postsecondary educational activities before being required to attend job club that would not count against the 24-month clock. Assembly Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2608 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill is a spot bill Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2631 – Santiago (D) Room # 5119 – Tel. 916- 319-2053 Staff: Jaspreet Johl [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the once-in-a-lifetime limitation for homeless assistance and provide temporary homeless assistance for 30 days. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services Senate Human Services Committee Mareva Brown, Principle Committee Consultant [email protected] Taryn Smith, Committee Consultant [email protected] Mark Teemer, Committee Secretary [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 266-9350 1020 N St. Suite 521, Sacramento, CA 95814 Joe Parra, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1501 Fax (916) 445-33105 1020 N St. Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire,- (D) – Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (R) – Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu – (D) Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock (D) Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen (R) Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell(D) Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Luan Huynh [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. Next stop. Governor’s Desk SB 876- Liu- (D) Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This is a homeless right bill of 2016. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB904- Hertzberg (D) Room # 4038 916-651-4018 [bookmark: _GoBack]Elizabeth Bojorquez [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would require the State to seek available federal waivers for able-bodied adults without children. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 910- Berryhill (R) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Joe Parra [email protected] CalWORKs – Spot Bill Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 947- Pan (D) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Staff: Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO CWDA WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 1232- Leno (D) Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Staff: Sunday Balalis [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would give the require the county to provide an adequate notice of action for any negative action resulting from a credit report. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 1339- Monning (D) Room # 313 916-651-4017 Staff: Ryan Guillen [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP United Way of California SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh\/ Medi-Cal – This bill would simplify the inter-county-transfer process for CalWORKs by not requiring an interview for the transfer and assure that Medi-Cal coverage is seamless. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 SB 1373- Stone (R) Room # 4062 916-651-4028 Staff: Bijan Mehryar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work – This bill would require that WtW participant be issued standard payments of bus-pass for transportation and $500 a semester for college students. Participant shall have the option of claiming actual expenses if they present evidence of necessary costs. Senate Human Services March 29, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 3191 Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 Committee Members Office Phone Fax Jimmy Gomez – (D) (Chair) Room 2114 (916) 319-2051 (916) 319-2151 Frank Bigelow – (R)(Vice Chair) Room 6027 (916) 319-2005 (916) 319-2105 Richard Bloom – (D) Room 2003 (916) 319-2050 (916) 319-2150 Susan A. Bonilla – (D) Room 4140 (916) 319-2014 (916) 319-2114 Rob Bonta – (D) Room 6005 (916) 319-2018 (916) 319-2118 Ian C. Calderon – (D) Room 2148 (916) 319-2057 (916) 319-2157 Ling Ling Chang- (R) Room 3149 (916) 319-2055 (916) 319-2155 Tom Daly – (D) Room 3126 (916) 319-2069 (916) 319-2169 Susan Talamantes Eggman – (D) Room 3173 (916) 319-2013 (916) 319-2113 James Gallagher – (R) Room 5128 (916) 319-2003 (916) 319-2103 Eduardo Garcia – (D) Room 4162 (916) 319-2056 (916) 319-2156 Chris R. Holden – (D) Room 319 (916) 319-2041 (916) 319-2141 Brian W. Jones – (R) Room 3141 (916) 319-2071 (916) 319-2071 Bill Quirk – (D) Room 2163 (916) 319-2020 (916) 319-2120 Donald P. Wagner – (R) Room 3098 (916) 319-2068 (916) 319-2168 Shirley N. Weber – (D) Room 6026 (916) 319-2079 (916) 319-2179 Jim Wood – (D) Room 5164 (916) 319-2002 (916) 319-2102 Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916-651-4101 Fax 916-651-4901 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee Member Room Phone Fax Senator Ricardo Lara – (D) (Chair) 5050 (916) 651-4033 (916) 651-4933 Senator Patricia Bates – (R) (Vice Chair) 4048 (916) 651-4036 (916) 651-4936 Senator Jim Beall – (D) 5066 (916) 651-4015 (916) 651-4915 Senator Jerry Hill – (D) 5035 (916) 651-4013 (916) 651-4913 Senator Connie Leyva – (D) 4061 (916) 651-4020 (916) 651-4920 Senator Tony Mendoza – (D) 5061 (916) 651-4032 (916) 651-4932 Senator Jim Nielsen – (R) 2068 (916) 651-4004 (916) 651-4904 Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond, Chair Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove (R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 1:30 p.m. Room 127 DHCS Medi-Cal TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 2 ON EDUCATION MCCARTY, Chair 9:00 a.m. Room 444 6980 California Student Aid Commission WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Poverty and Homelessness in California CalWORKs CalFresh 5175 Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services & Foster Care Community Care Licensing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration 5180 Department of Social Services Automation Projects State Hearings April Finance Letters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel,- (D) Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Luan Huynh [email protected] Jeff Stone,- (R) Vice Chair Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning – (D) Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Theresa Pena, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) Item Description 4150 Department of Managed Health Care 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal – Overview Denti-Cal Managed Risk Medical Insurance Program Other Items THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 JOINT HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBC. NO. 1 ON EDUCATION AND BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATORS BLOCK AND MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) OVERSIGHT HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services 6100 Department of Education LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2016 REGULAR SESSION Mar. 27 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(2)). Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1) CCWRO Services The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state- wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years. CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-Cal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: – Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. – Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. – Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. – Legislative Advocacy – Administrative Advocacy – Co-counsel on administrative lawsuits. – Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-712-0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-947-1037 Daphne Maclin, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-613-8586 Catherine (Mika) Takayama, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 510-220-7928 ”

Document 2016-03 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker

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“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo]CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-03 Assembly Human Services Committee Myesha Jackson, Principle Consultant [email protected] Daphne Hunt, Committee Consultant [email protected] Irene Frausto, Committee Secretary – [email protected] Phone (916) 319-2089 Fax (916) 319-2189 1020 N St., Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mary Bellamy, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 319-3900 Fax (916) 319-3902 1020 N St., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) – (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-212 Room # 5175 Robert Mason [email protected] Shannon Grove (Vice Chair) (R) Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Ian C. Calderon (D) Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez (D) Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein – (R) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond- (D) Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 492 Gonzalez (D) Room # 6013 Tel. 916-319-2080 Staff: Andrea SanMiguel [email protected] Support CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers on an EBT card. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services AB 1314 – Thurmond (D) Room # 5150 – Tel. 916-319-2015 Staff: Tyrone McGray [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care This is a spot bill for implementation of the new federal federal child care block grant provisions. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1742- Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] WCLP & CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would restore the 60-month time limit. It would also increase the earned income disregard to $450 plus 70% of the reminder. Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1747 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh This bill would make food available to college students eligible for CalFresh in various ways. Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1770 – Alejo – (D) Room #2196 – Tel. 916–319-2030 Staff: Taco Torres [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This is a spot bill. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1790 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would provide that any person meeting the federal work participation rates shall not be sanctioned and shall receive supportive services. Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1797 Lackey (R) & Weber (D) Room # – Tel. 916- 319-2036 Staff: Antoine Hage [email protected] SUPPORT In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) This bill would require the county to give IHSS applicants a confirmation number when applying Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1809 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would eliminate any asset test for the CalWORKs program. Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 1994 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give any CalWORKs recipient without a high school diploma the option of enrolling in a GED program that would provide a $500 bonus for obtaining a GED Certificate similar to the CalLearn Program Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 2057 – Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This is a spot bill relative to CalFresh application Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2058 – Mayes (R) Room # 3104 – Tel. 916- 319-2042 Staff: Joshua White [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give CalWORKs recipient a bonus for attaining a high school diploma, AA degree or a BA while receiving CalWORKS. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2062 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Jasmine Kullar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT This bill would not assess an overpayment for CalWORKs for the month following the month of the change, like CalFresh. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2151 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give a CalWORKs recipient additional money for a special diet due to a medical condition. Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2346 Baker (R) Room # 4153 – Tel. 916- 319-2016 Staff: Faith Lane [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT State Hearings – This bill would authorize respondents of a state hearing available electronically. Assembly Human Services March 30, 2016 1:30 p.m. Room 437 AB 2448 Burke (D) Room # 5144 – Tel. 916- 319-2062 Staff: Allison Ruff [email protected] CWDA SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would allow counties to allow WtW participants engage in pre-postsecondary educational activities before being required to attend job club that would not count against the 24-month clock. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2608 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill is a spot bill Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2631 – Santiago (D) Room # 5119 – Tel. 916- 319-2053 Staff: Jaspreet Johl [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the once-in-a-lifetime limitation for homeless assistance and provide temporary homeless assistance for 30 days. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services Senate Human Services Committee Mareva Brown, Principle Committee Consultant [email protected] Taryn Smith, Committee Consultant [email protected] Mark Teemer, Committee Secretary [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 266-9350 1020 N St. Suite 521, Sacramento, CA 95814 Joe Parra, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1501 Fax (916) 445-33105 1020 N St. Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire,- (D) – Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (R) – Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu – (D) Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock (D) Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen (R) Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell(D) Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Luan Huynh [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. Next stop. Governor’s Desk SB 876- Liu- (D) Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This is a homeless right bill of 2016. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB904- Hertzberg (D) Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would require the State to seek available federal waivers for able-bodied adults without children. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 910- Berryhill (R) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Joe Parra [email protected] CalWORKs – Spot Bill Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 947- Pan (D) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO CWDA WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 11232- Leno (D) Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Sunday Balalis [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would give the require the county to provide an adequate notice of action for any negative action resulting from a credit report. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 1339- Monning (D) Room # 313 916-651-4017 Ryan Guillen [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP United Way of California SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh\/ Medi-Cal – This bill would simplify the inter-county-transfer process for CalWORKs by not requiring an interview for the transfer and assure that Medi-Cal coverage is seamless. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 1373- Stone (R) Room # 4062 916-651-4028 Chris Norden [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work – This bill would require that WtW participant be issued standard payments of bus-pass for transportation and $500 a semester for college students. Participant shall have the option of claiming actual expenses if they present evidence of necessary costs. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 Committee Members Office Phone Fax Jimmy Gomez – (D) (Chair) Room 2114 (916) 319-2051 (916) 319-2151 Frank Bigelow – (R)(Vice Chair) Room 6027 (916) 319-2005 (916) 319-2105 Richard Bloom – (D) Room 2003 (916) 319-2050 (916) 319-2150 Susan A. Bonilla – (D) Room 4140 (916) 319-2014 (916) 319-2114 Rob Bonta – (D) Room 6005 (916) 319-2018 (916) 319-2118 Ian C. Calderon – (D) Room 2148 (916) 319-2057 (916) 319-2157 Ling Ling Chang- (R) Room 3149 (916) 319-2055 (916) 319-2155 Tom Daly – (D) Room 3126 (916) 319-2069 (916) 319-2169 Susan Talamantes Eggman – (D) Room 3173 (916) 319-2013 (916) 319-2113 James Gallagher – (R) Room 5128 (916) 319-2003 (916) 319-2103 Eduardo Garcia – (D) Room 4162 (916) 319-2056 (916) 319-2156 Chris R. Holden – (D) Room 319 (916) 319-2041 (916) 319-2141 Brian W. Jones – (R) Room 3141 (916) 319-2071 (916) 319-2071 Bill Quirk – (D) Room 2163 (916) 319-2020 (916) 319-2120 Donald P. Wagner – (R) Room 3098 (916) 319-2068 (916) 319-2168 Shirley N. Weber – (D) Room 6026 (916) 319-2079 (916) 319-2179 Jim Wood – (D) Room 5164 (916) 319-2002 (916) 319-2102 Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916-651-4101 Fax 916-651-4901 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee Member Room Phone Fax Senator Ricardo Lara – (D) (Chair) 5050 (916) 651-4033 (916) 651-4933 Senator Patricia Bates – (R) (Vice Chair) 4048 (916) 651-4036 (916) 651-4936 Senator Jim Beall – (D) 5066 (916) 651-4015 (916) 651-4915 Senator Jerry Hill – (D) 5035 (916) 651-4013 (916) 651-4913 Senator Connie Leyva – (D) 4061 (916) 651-4020 (916) 651-4920 Senator Tony Mendoza – (D) 5061 (916) 651-4032 (916) 651-4932 Senator Jim Nielsen – (R) 2068 (916) 651-4004 (916) 651-4904 Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond, Chair Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove (R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] March 5, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-02 Page 11 of 13 WEDNESAY, MARCH 9, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3 p.m . Room (4203) Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services IHSS & SSI MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 1:30 p.m. Room 127 DHCS Medi-Cal TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 2 ON EDUCATION MCCARTY, Chair 9:00 a.m. Room 444 6980 California Student Aid Commission WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Poverty and Homelessness in California CalWORKs CalFresh 5175 Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services & Foster Care Community Care Licensing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration 5180 Department of Social Services Automation Projects State Hearings April Finance Letters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel,- (D) Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Luan Huynh [email protected] Jeff Stone,- (R) Vice Chair Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning – (D) Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Theresa Pena, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) Item Description 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) 0530 Health & Human Services Agency CWS, CMIPS II and ACMS proposals 5175 Department of Child Support Services 5180 Department of Social Services CalWORKs CalFresh State Hearings Automation systems Other items THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) Item Description 4150 Department of Managed Health Care 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal – Overview Denti-Cal Managed Risk Medical Insurance Program Other Items THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 JOINT HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBC. NO. 1 ON EDUCATION AND BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATORS BLOCK AND MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) OVERSIGHT HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services 6100 Department of Education LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2016 REGULAR SESSION Mar. 27 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(2)). Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1)) CCWRO Services The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state- wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years. CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-Cal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: – Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. – Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. – Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. – Legislative Advocacy – Administrative Advocacy – Co-counsel on administrative lawsuits. – Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-712-0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-947-1037 Daphne Maclin, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-613-8586 Catherine (Mika) Takayama, Attorney at Law Email: [email protected] Phone: 510-220-7928 [bookmark: _GoBack] ”

Document 2016-02 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker

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2016-02 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker.docx

“[image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo]CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-02 Assembly Human Services Committee Myesha Jackson, Principle Consultant [email protected] Daphne Hunt, Committee Consultant [email protected] Irene Frausto, Committee Secretary – [email protected] Phone (916) 319-2089 Fax (916) 319-2189 1020 N St., Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mary Bellamy, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 319-3900 Fax (916) 319-3902 1020 N St., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) – (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-212 Room # 5175 Robert Mason [email protected] Shannon Grove (Vice Chair) (R) Phone: 916-319-2034 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Ian C. Calderon (D) Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez (D) Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (D) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein – (R) Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond- (D) Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 492 Gonzalez (D) Room # 6013 Tel. 916-319-2080 Staff: Andrea SanMiguel [email protected] Support CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers on an EBT card. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services AB 1314 – Thurmond (D) Room # 5150 – Tel. 916-319-2015 Staff: Tyrone McGray [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care This is a spot bill for implementation of the new federal federal child care block grant provisions. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1742- Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] WCLP & CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would restore the 60-month time limit. It would also increase the earned income disregard to $450 plus 70% of the reminder. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1747 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh This bill would make food available to college students eligible for CalFresh in various ways. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1770 – Alejo – (D) Room #2196 – Tel. 916–319-2030 Staff: Taco Torres [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This is a spot bill. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1790 – Weber (D) Room # 6026 – Tel. 916- 319-2079 Staff: Marcus McKinney [email protected] CCWRO & WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would provide that any person meeting the federal work participation rates shall not be sanctioned and shall receive supportive services. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1797 Lackey (R) & Weber (D) Room # – Tel. 916- 319-2036 Staff: Antoine Hage [email protected] SUPPORT In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) This bill would require the county to give IHSS applicants a confirmation number when applying Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1809 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would eliminate any asset test for the CalWORKs program. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 1994 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give any CalWORKs recipient without a high school diploma the option of enrolling in a GED program that would provide bonuses for making satisfactory progress and for obtaining a GED similar to the CalLearn Program Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services Bill Sponsor & CCWRO Position Bill Description Next Steps AB 2057 – Stone (D) Room # 4139 – Tel. 916-319-2077 Staff: Gabriel Villarreal [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This is a spot bill relative to CalFresh application Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2058 – Mayes (R) Room # 3104 – Tel. 916- 319-2042 Staff: Joshua White [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give CalWORKs recipient a bonus for attaining a high school diploma, AA degree or a BA while receiving CalWORKS. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2062 – Lopez (D) Room # 5160 – Tel. 916- 319-2039 Staff: Jasmine Kullar [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT This bill would not assess an overpayment for CalWORKs for the month following the month of the change, like CalFresh. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2151 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give a CalWORKs recipient additional money for a special diet due to a medical condition. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2346 Baker (R) Room # 4153 – Tel. 916- 319-2016 Staff: Faith Lane [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT State Hearings – This bill would authorize respondents of a state hearing available electronically. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2448 Burke (D) Room # 5144 – Tel. 916- 319-2062 Staff: Allison Ruff [email protected] CWDA SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would allow counties to allow WtW participants engage in pre-postsecondary educational activities before being required to attend job club that would not count against the 24-month clock. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2608 – Chu (D) Room # 5175 – Tel. 916- 319-2025 Staff: Robert Mason [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill is a spot bill Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services AB 2631 – Santiago (D) Room # 5119 – Tel. 916- 319-2053 Staff: Jaspreet Johl [email protected] SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the once-in-a-lifetime limitation for homeless assistance and provide temporary homeless assistance for 30 days. Waiting for a Hearing in Assembly Human Services Senate Human Services Committee Mareva Brown, Principle Committee Consultant [email protected] Taryn Smith, Committee Consultant [email protected] Mark Teemer, Committee Secretary [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 266-9350 1020 N St. Suite 521, Sacramento, CA 95814 Joe Parra, Republican Committee Consultant [email protected] Phone (916) 651-1501 Fax (916) 445-33105 1020 N St. Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire,- (D) – Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (R) – Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu – (D) Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock (D) Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen (R) Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell(D) Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Luan Huynh [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Got out of Assembly Appropriations. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. SB 876- Liu- (D) Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This is a homeless right bill of 2016. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB904- Hertzberg (D) Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would require the State to seek available federal waivers for able-bodied adults without children. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 910- Berryhill (R) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Joe Parra [email protected] CalWORKs – Spot Bill Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 947- Pan (D) Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO CWDA WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 11232- Leno (D) Room # 5100 916-651-4011 Sunday Balalis [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would give the require the county to provide an adequate notice of action for any negative action resulting from a credit report. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 1339- Monning (D) Room # 313 916-651-4017 Ryan Guillen [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP United Way of California SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh\/ Medi-Cal – This bill would simplify the inter-county-transfer process for CalWORKs by not requiring an interview for the transfer and assure that Medi-Cal coverage is seamless. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services SB 1373- Stone (R) Room # 4062 916-651-4028 Chris Norden [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT [bookmark: _GoBack]CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work – This bill would require that WtW participant be issued standard payments of bus-pass for transportation and $500 a semester for college students. Participant shall have the option of claiming actual expenses if they present evidence of necessary costs. Waiting for a Hearing in Senate Human Services Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 Committee Members Office Phone Fax Jimmy Gomez – (D) (Chair) Room 2114 (916) 319-2051 (916) 319-2151 Frank Bigelow – (R)(Vice Chair) Room 6027 (916) 319-2005 (916) 319-2105 Richard Bloom – (D) Room 2003 (916) 319-2050 (916) 319-2150 Susan A. Bonilla – (D) Room 4140 (916) 319-2014 (916) 319-2114 Rob Bonta – (D) Room 6005 (916) 319-2018 (916) 319-2118 Ian C. Calderon – (D) Room 2148 (916) 319-2057 (916) 319-2157 Ling Ling Chang- (R) Room 3149 (916) 319-2055 (916) 319-2155 Tom Daly – (D) Room 3126 (916) 319-2069 (916) 319-2169 Susan Talamantes Eggman – (D) Room 3173 (916) 319-2013 (916) 319-2113 James Gallagher – (R) Room 5128 (916) 319-2003 (916) 319-2103 Eduardo Garcia – (D) Room 4162 (916) 319-2056 (916) 319-2156 Chris R. Holden – (D) Room 319 (916) 319-2041 (916) 319-2141 Brian W. Jones – (R) Room 3141 (916) 319-2071 (916) 319-2071 Bill Quirk – (D) Room 2163 (916) 319-2020 (916) 319-2120 Donald P. Wagner – (R) Room 3098 (916) 319-2068 (916) 319-2168 Shirley N. Weber – (D) Room 6026 (916) 319-2079 (916) 319-2179 Jim Wood – (D) Room 5164 (916) 319-2002 (916) 319-2102 Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916-651-4101 Fax 916-651-4901 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee Member Room Phone Fax Senator Ricardo Lara – (D) (Chair) 5050 (916) 651-4033 (916) 651-4933 Senator Patricia Bates – (R) (Vice Chair) 4048 (916) 651-4036 (916) 651-4936 Senator Jim Beall – (D) 5066 (916) 651-4015 (916) 651-4915 Senator Jerry Hill – (D) 5035 (916) 651-4013 (916) 651-4913 Senator Connie Leyva – (D) 4061 (916) 651-4020 (916) 651-4920 Senator Tony Mendoza – (D) 5061 (916) 651-4032 (916) 651-4932 Senator Jim Nielsen – (R) 2068 (916) 651-4004 (916) 651-4904 Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond, Chair Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove (R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Olga Shilo [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] February 22, 2016 – CCWRO Welfare Bill and Budget Action Tracker – #2016-02 Page 4 of 12 WEDNESAY, MARCH 9, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3 p.m . Room (4203) Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services IHSS & SSI MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 1:30 p.m. Room 127 DHCS Medi-Cal TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 2 ON EDUCATION MCCARTY, Chair 9:00 a.m. Room 444 6980 California Student Aid Commission WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Poverty and Homelessness in California CalWORKs CalFresh 5175 Child Support Services WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 5180 Department of Social Services Child Welfare Services & Foster Care Community Care Licensing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration 5180 Department of Social Services Automation Projects State Hearings April Finance Letters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 ASSEMBLY BUDGET COMMITEE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THURMOND, Chair 3:00 p.m. Room 444 All Departments Open Issues Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel,- (D) Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Luan Huynh [email protected] Jeff Stone,- (R) Vice Chair Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning – (D) Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Theresa Pena, Democratic Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) Item Description 0530 Health & Human Services Agency Office of Systems Integration THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) 0530 Health & Human Services Agency CWS, CMIPS II and ACMS proposals 5175 Department of Child Support Services 5180 Department of Social Services CalWORKs CalFresh State Hearings Automation systems Other items THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATOR MITCHELL, Chair 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) Item Description 4150 Department of Managed Health Care 4260 Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal – Overview Denti-Cal Managed Risk Medical Insurance Program Other Items THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 JOINT HEARING BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUBC. NO. 1 ON EDUCATION AND BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEW SUB. NO. 3 ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SENATORS BLOCK AND MITCHELL, Chairs 9:30 a.m. or upon adjourn. of Session Room (4203) OVERSIGHT HEARING SUBJECT: Child Care and Early Learning Item Description 5180 Department of Social Services 6100 Department of Education LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2016 REGULAR SESSION Mar. 27 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(2)). Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1)) CCWRO Services The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state- wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years. CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-Cal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: – Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. – Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. – Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. – Legislative Advocacy – Administrative Advocacy – Co-counsel on administrative lawsuits. – Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-712-0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-947-1037 ”

Document 2016-01 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker

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2016-#01 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

“[bookmark: _GoBack] CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2016-01 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] January 20, 2015 Highlights of the Week The Governor releases his 2016-2017 State Budget. Budget Highlights: California will continue to lead the Nation in Child Poverty; The average grant for a family of three will be reduced by 3% – from $507 a month down to $497; Over $2 billion out of the available $6.7 billion for CalWORKs will be REDIRECTED from the CalWORKs program and used for people who do not CalWORKs eligibility requirements titled CalWORKs Contribution to the General Fund . Only 30% of the case will be aided for the number of persons in the family. 70% of the caseload will endure penalties and sanctions, such WtW sanctions, Maximum Family Grant Penalties, vaccination penalties, time clock penalties and a host of other sanctions and penalties that have infested California’s welfare laws. Budget hearings scheduled for January 19 and 20th, 2016. See page 6 for detailed ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Shannon Grove (Vice-Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Olga [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Erin Donnette [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill 2 SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Got out of Assembly Appropriations. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee 2015-2016 Appropriations Committees Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2016 01 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] 3[image: ] 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2016 Budget WEBER, Chair 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 4202 ( Listen to this hearing ) Committees: Budget Show Details 4 Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Hearing Agenda January 19, 2016 11:00 a.m. Room 4203 Overview of the Governor’s 2016-17 Proposed Budget I. Presentations by: Keely Bosler, Chief Deputy Director, Budget Department of Finance Mac Taylor, Legislative Analyst Legislative Analyst’s Office II. II. Public Comment 5 TENTATIVE SENATE CALENDAR 2016 REGULAR SESSION 2016 Jan. 1 \u2014Statutes take effect (Art. IV, Sec. 8(c)). Jan. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes (J.R. 51(a)(1)). Jan. 8 \u2014Budget must be submitted by Governor (Art. IV, Sec. 12(a)). Jan. 18 \u2014Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Jan. 29 \u2014Last day to submit bill requests to the Office of Legislative Counsel. Feb. 15 \u2014Presidents’ Day. Feb. 26 \u2014Last day for bills to be introduced (J.R. 61(a)(1)), (J.R. 54(a)). Mar. 27 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(2)). Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Summer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been enacted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Committees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s possession after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1)) 6 The Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations, Inc. (CCWRO) is a state- wide nonprofit organization providing support services to qualified legal service field programs (QLSPs) funded by the Legal Services Trust Fund Commission. CCWRO has been providing support services for the past 35 years.About CCWRO CCWRO provides consultation, information and representation for IOLTA qualified legal services programs regarding public benefit programs such as: CalWORKs, CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP, General Assistance and General Relief, SSI , Welfare to Work and other Public Assistance Programs. CCWRO maintains current information on the status of pending or recently proposed and enacted state and federal legislation and regulations. CCWRO collects, monitors and disseminates statistical information relating to public assistance programs throughout California to legal services programs statewide. CCWRO provides public benefits training upon request depending on availability of staff. Programs Covered * CalWORKs * Cash Assistance to Immigrants (CAPI) * Child Care * Child Support * CalFresh, also known as Food Stamps or SNAP * General Assistance\/ General Relief * In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) * Medi-Cal * Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) * Welfare Immigration * SSI eligibility issues * Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Services CCWRO provides: – Immediate response to questions from legal services programs regarding public benefit programs, laws and regulations. – Collects and disperses statistical information and analysis on the public assistance programs, including statistical information upon request from qualified legal services program. – Provide status information on pending state legislation and regulations. – Legislative Advocacy – Administrative Advocacy – Co-counsel on administrative lawsuits. – Client representation assistance at fair hearings. CCWRO Staff Kevin Aslanian, Executive Director, Legislative Advocate, Public Benefits Specialist Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-712-0071 Grace Galligher, Directing Attorney Public Benefits Email: [email protected] Phone: 916-947-1037 CCWRO SERVICE PROMISE: Any call to our cell numbers will be returned within 24 hour7 ”

pdf 2015-#13 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 2602 downloads

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2015-#13 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.pdf

” CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-\u00ad319-\u00ad2089 Fax 916-\u00ad319-\u00ad2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-\u00ad319-\u00ad3900 Fax 916-\u00ad319-\u00ad 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-13 October 15, 2015 1 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Re- quires all Health & Human Services pro- gram state plans and waivers to be placed on the front page of the applicable depart- ment web pages. Signed into law Chapter 296, Statutes of 2015. AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100- hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibil- ity by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Vetoed by the Governor. AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Vetoed by the Governor. AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a griev- ing period and appropriate referrals to ser- vices when a CalWORKs recipient miscar- ries or when a child in the home of a Cal- WORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Signed into law Chapter 514, Statutes of 2015. AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the re- quirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 con- secutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Held in Senate Appropriations AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veter- an educational benefits as income for Cal- WORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Held in Senate Appropriations 2 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would provide that employed recipient of public benefits would not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Held on Assembly floor- two-year bill SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] 3 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Got out of Assembly Appropriations. Waiting for Action on the Assem- bly floor. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more ef- fective and efficient. Held in Senate Appropriations SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the Cal- WORK clock for the months that the federal government de- clares a recession. Held in Senate Appropriations SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application inter- views. Held in Senate Appropriations SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would in- crease participation in the CalFresh program Held in Senate Appropriations 4 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] 2015-\u00ad2016 Appropriations Committees Assembly Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee 5 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] 2015-\u00ad2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-\u00ad4030 Fax: 651-\u00ad4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Jeff Stone Phone: 651-\u00ad4028 Fax: 651-\u00ad4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning Phone: 651-\u00ad4017 Fax: 651-\u00ad4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-\u00ad4103 Fax: 323-\u00ad8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] 6 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] TENTATIVE SENATE CALENDAR 2016 REGULAR SESSION 2015 Jan. 1 \u2014Statutes take effect (Art. IV, Sec. 8(c)). Jan. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes (J.R. 51(a)(1)). Jan. 8 \u2014Budget must be submitted by Gov- ernor (Art. IV, Sec. 12(a)). Jan. 18 \u2014Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Jan. 29 \u2014Last day to submit bill requests to the Office of Legislative Counsel. Feb. 15 \u2014Presidents’ Day. Feb. 26 \u2014Last day for bills to be introduced (J.R. 61(a)(1)), (J.R. 54(a)). Mar. 27 \u2014Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(2)). Mar. 31 \u2014Cesar Chavez Day. Apr. 4 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)). April 29 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to Fiscal Committees fis- cal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(2)). May 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the Floor non fiscal bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(3)). May 22 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(4)). May 25 \u2014Memorial Day. May 29 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house (J.R. 61(a)(5)). Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 8 (J.R. 61(a)(6)). May 30 June 3 \u2014Floor Session Only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(7)). June 3 \u2014Last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)). June 8 \u2014Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)). June 15 \u2014Budget must be passed by mid- night (Art. IV, Sec. 12 (c)(3)). July 4 \u2014Independence Day. July 15 \u2014Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(10)). Sum- mer Recess begins at the end of this day’s session, provided the Budget has been en- acted (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 15 \u2014Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51(a)(3)). Aug. 26 \u2014Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a) (11)). Aug. 29 Sep.9\u2014Floor Session only. No committees, other than Conference Commit- tees and Rules Committee, may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(12)). Sep. 2 \u2014Last day to amend bills on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(13)). Sep. 5 \u2014Labor Day. Sep. 9 \u2014Last day for each house to pass bills (J.R. 61(a)(14)). Interim Study Recess begins at the end of this day’s session (J.R. 51(a)(4)). Oct. 7 \u2014Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sep. 11 and in the Governor’s pos- session after Sep. 11 (Art. IV, Sec. 10(b)(1)) 7 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 13 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected]

Document 2015-#12 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 2736 downloads

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2015-#12 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-12 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] [bookmark: _GoBack] September 2, 2015 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Enrolled and on its way to the Governor. AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. On the Senate Floor. Headed to the Governor for his signature AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. On the Senate Floor. Headed to the Governor for his signature AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. On the Senate Floor. Headed to the Governor for his signature AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Held in Senate Appropriations AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Held in Senate Appropriations AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Held on Assembly floor- two-year bill SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Got out of Assembly Appropriations. Waiting for Action on the Assembly floor. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Held in Suspense. SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Held in Suspense SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Held in Suspense. SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Held in Suspense. 2015-2016 Appropriations Committees Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] Septambor 2, 2015 CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pea trea eee ee eee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N* Sree Sut 40, Serament, CA 95816 ienete Ee aes === Gtr a a 1-071 Pna estate, ”

Document 2015-#11 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

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2015-#11 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO [bookmark: _GoBack]California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-11 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] July 29, 2015 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. LOCATION: Senate Floor on Consent. AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Waiting for action on Senate Appropriations Suspense AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Waiting for action on Senate Appropriations Suspense AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Senate Appropriations Date: 8-17-15 Time: 10 am Room #4203 AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Senate Appropriations Date: 8-17-15 Time: 10 am Room #4203 AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Senate Appropriations Date: 8-17-15 Time: 10 am Room #4203 AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Held on Assembly floor- two-year bill SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Assembly Human Services Committee DATE: 8-19-15 TIME: 8:00 am Room: 437 SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Held in Suspense. SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Held in Suspense SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Held in Suspense. SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Held in Suspense. 2015-2016 Appropriations Committees Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] ia CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pee tree eee ee eT ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N* Sree Sut 40, Serament, CA 95816 ienete Ee aes === Gtr a a 1-071 Pna estate, ”

Document 2015-#10 CCWRO Bill and Budget Action Tracker

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2015-#10 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-09 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] June 24, 2015 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 93- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Referred to Assembly Committee on Appropriations AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. LOCATION: Senate Floor on Consent. AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. LOCATION: Senate Floor on Consent. AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Senate Appropriations Date: 6-29-15 Time: 10 am Room #4203 AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Senate Appropriations Date: 6-29-15 Time: 10 am Room #4203 AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Held on Assembly floor- two-year bill SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Assembly Human Services Committee DATE: 7-14-15 TIME: 1:30 [bookmark: _GoBack]Room: 437 SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. 2015-2016 Appropriations Committees Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] aie CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pea tt eee eee ee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N* Sree Sut 40, Serament, CA 95816 ienete Ee aes === Gtr a a 1-071 Pna estate, ”

Document 2015-#09 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 2681 downloads

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2015-#09 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-09 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] This Weeks Highlights Budget Conference Committee should start next. More coming. Stay Tune. Senate Appropriations Committee killed anti-poverty bills SB 297, 306 and 312. Assembly Appropriations Committee passes anti-poverty bills AB 702 and AB743. June 5, 2015 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 93- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Referred to Assembly Committee on Appropriations AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Senate Human Services Date: 6-9-15 Time: 1:30 Room #3191 AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Senate Human Services Date: 6-9-15 Time: 1:30 Room #3191 AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Held on Assembly floor- two-year bill SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 5064 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 3048 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. 2015-2016 Appropriations Committees Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 09 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] mensszets CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pea tt eee eee ee ‘This Wooks Highlights Budget Conference Committee should start next. More coming. Stay Tune. ‘Sonate Appropriations Committee killed anti- poverty bills SB 297, 306 and 312. Assembly Appropriations Committee passes anti-poverty bills AB 702 and ABT43. ASSEMBLY) HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE ene res RE eee ee Seperate ‘hone 81800 120. Seet Sue to cramer, CA H14 Gtr a a 1-071 Pna estate, ”

Document 2015-#08 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

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2015-#08 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-08 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] Assembly and Senate Appropriations Committee Suspense Hearing will be May 28, 2015. May 21, 2015 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGaw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 103- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Passed Assembly Appropriations Committee to Next Step- Assembly Floor AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Referred to Senate Human Services Committee AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Referred to Assembly Committee on Appropriations AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Passed Assembly Appropriations Committee to Next Step- Assembly Floor AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Passed Assembly Appropriations Committee to Next Step- Assembly Floor AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Assembly Appropriation Committee Suspense File. SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4002 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 4034 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Held in Senate Appropriations Committee SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Senate Appropriations Held in Senate Appropriations Committee SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Held in Senate Appropriations Committee SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Held in Senate Appropriations Committee 2015-2016 Appropriations Committees Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5019 [email protected] mevanzons CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pea tt eee eee ee ee ‘Assembly and Senate Appropriations Commit- ‘we Suspense Hearing will be May 28, 2015. ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Gtr a a 1-071 Pa enn ”

Document 2015-#07 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 2921 downloads

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2015-#07 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-07 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] May 6, 2015 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGaw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 103- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Referred to Assembly Committee on Appropriations AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Passed Assembly Appropriation Committee on Consent. Next stop Assembly Floor AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Assembly Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Assembly Appropriation Committee Room: 4202 Date: 4-29-15 Time: 9 am AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Referred to Assembly Committee on Appropriations AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee Suspense File. AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4002 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 4034 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Senate Appropriations Committee – Room: 4203 Date: May 18, 2015 Time: 10 a.m. SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Appropriations Committee – Room: 4203 Date: May 18, 2015 Time: 10 a.m. SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Senate Appropriations Committee – Room: 4203 Date: May 18, 2015 Time: 10 a.m. Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] MonDAY, May 11 , 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues WEdnESDAY, may 18, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services Upon the Call of the Chair State Capitol, Room- TBD All Departments SUBJECT Open Issues Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Senator Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 [email protected] thursDAY, may 7, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room127 ( Listen to this hearing ) Secretary of Health & Human Services Office of Law Enforcement Services thursDAY, may 18, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services Call of the Chair p.m. – State Capitol, Room: TBD ALL DEPARTMENTS mevsizons CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pea tree eee eee ‘ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N\u00b0 Sr Sut 10, Seramem, CA 95816 Gtk a a 1-071 Pat este, ”

Document 2015-#06 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 2824 downloads

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2015-#06 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-06 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] April 26, 2015 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGaw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 103- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Assembly Education Committee Room: 4202 Date: 4-29-15 Time: 1:30 p.m. AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Passed Assembly Appropriation Committee on Consent. Next stop Assembly Floor AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Assembly Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Assembly Appropriation Committee Room: 4202 Date: 4-29-15 Time: 9 am AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-28-15 Time: 1:30 AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee Suspense File. AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4002 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 4034 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Appropriations Committee – Room: 4203 Date: May 1, 2015 Time: 10 a.m. SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 28, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Passed the Senate Human Services Committee Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Passed the Senate Human Services Committee Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] MonDAY, May , 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues WEdnESDAY, may 5, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 All Departments SUBJECT Open Issues Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Senator Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 [email protected] tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES & DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERIVCES SUBJECT: Child Support Department, CalFresh, State Hearings, Automation Systems, including ACA Horizontal Integration; EBT 3 Project and DSS SHD Appeals Case Management Proposals thursDAY, may 7, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room127 ( Listen to this hearing ) Secretary of Health & Human Services Office of Law Enforcement Services nomaeaens CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pee tt eee eee ee eg ‘ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N\u00b0 Sr Sut 10, Seramem, CA 95816 Gtk a a 1-071 Pat este, ”

Document 2015-#05 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 2852 downloads

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2015-#05 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-06 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] April 26, 2015 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 06 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGaw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 103- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Assembly Education Committee Room: 4202 Date: 4-29-15 Time: 1:30 p.m. AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Passed Assembly Appropriation Committee on Consent. Next stop Assembly Floor AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Assembly Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Assembly Appropriation Committee Room: 4202 Date: 4-29-15 Time: 9 am AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-28-15 Time: 1:30 AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Two-Year bill AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee Suspense File. AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee AB 357- Chiu Room #2196 – 916-319-2017 SUPPORT CalWORKs\/CalFresh This bill would allow employees recipient public benefits to not be penalized for taking time off to meet and provide information to the county welfare department. Referred to Assembly Appropriation Committee SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4002 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 4034 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations Committee Referred to Suspense File. SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Appropriations Committee – Room: 4203 Date: May 1, 2015 Time: 10 a.m. SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months that the federal government declares a recession. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 28, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Passed the Senate Human Services Committee Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Passed the Senate Human Services Committee Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 9581 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] MonDAY, May , 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127 All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues WEdnESDAY, may 5, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 All Departments SUBJECT Open Issues Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Senator Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 [email protected] tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES & DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERIVCES SUBJECT: Child Support Department, CalFresh, State Hearings, Automation Systems, including ACA Horizontal Integration; EBT 3 Project and DSS SHD Appeals Case Management Proposals thursDAY, may 7, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room127 ( Listen to this hearing ) Secretary of Health & Human Services Office of Law Enforcement Services nomaeaens CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Pee tt eee eee ee eg ‘ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N\u00b0 Sr Sut 10, Seramem, CA 95816 Gtk a a 1-071 Pat este, ”

Document 2015-#04 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3056 downloads

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2015-#04 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-04 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] April 11, 2015 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 04 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 04 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 04 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGaw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 103- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] SUPPORT 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Assembly Health Committee Passed on consent. Next stop Assembly Appropriations AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Assembly Appropriations Committee Room: 4202 Date: April 15 Time: 9:00 am AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-28-15 Time: 1:30 AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: Andrea Sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-28-15 Time: 1:30 AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4002 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 4034 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Appropriations Committee – Room: 4203 Date: 4-13-15 Time: 10:00 am SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Rules Committee SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law for ABAWDS and stop the CalWORK clock for the months tht the federal government declares a recession. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, [email protected] 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] [bookmark: _GoBack] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] WednesDAY, april 22, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters MONDAY, april 27, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127( Listen to this hearing ) Health & Welfare Agency; Department of Social Services; Department of Community Services & Development; Department of Child Support; Automation Projects SUBJECT: Budget Change Proposals (BCPs) & Other Proposals WednesDAY, april 29, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters monDAY, may 4, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room127 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues WednesDAY, May 6, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Senator Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] tHURsDAY, april 16 19, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & Subcommittee #1 on Education 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalWORKs Child Care tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES & DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalFresh, State Hearings, Automation Systems, Including ACA Horizontal Integration; EBT 3 Project and DSS SHD Appeals Case Management Proposals tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 ALL DEPARTMENTS SUBJECT: Open Issues a CCWRO California Public Benefits Legis Pies tree eee et ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Soe er eee senda Si ta repaetean Crone STA.I90 Pas a 1020’N* Sree Su 40, Serament, CA 05816 ”

Document 2015-#03 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3173 downloads

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2015-#03 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-03 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] March 23, 2015 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 03 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 02 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 02 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Bellamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGaw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor & Position Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 103- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] SUPPORT 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA SUPPORT CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 294- Lackey *Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Assembly Health Committee Room: 4202 Date: 4-7-15 Time: 1:30 AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: March 24 Time: 1:30 AB 376 – Lopez *Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO SUPPORT CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: andrea.sanmiguel [email protected] Support if Amended to Make Vouchers County [bookmark: _GoBack]Option CalWORKs Would require counties to issue $50 ancillary services for diapers in the form of voucher. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 702- Maienschein * Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP & San Diego Anti-Hunger Coalition SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 AB 743 – Eggman * Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the county adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: 4-14-15 Time: 1:30 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4002 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 4034 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell * Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: 3-24-15 Time: 1:30 SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 306- Hertzberg * Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO, WCLP & CAHC SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 312- Pan * Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP SUPPORT CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP SUPPORT CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: April 14, 2015 Time: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] WednesDAY, april 22, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters MONDAY, april 27, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127( Listen to this hearing ) Health & Welfare Agency; Department of Social Services; Department of Community Services & Development; Department of Child Support; Automation Projects SUBJECT: Budget Change Proposals (BCPs) & Other Proposals WednesDAY, april 29, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters monDAY, may 4, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room127 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues WednesDAY, May 6, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Senator Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] tHURsDAY, March 26, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalWORKs; In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS);CMISP II, SSI\/SSP tHURsDAY, april 16 19, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & Subcommittee #1 on Education 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalWORKs Child Care tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES & DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalFresh, State Hearings, Automation Systems, Including ACA Horizontal Integration; EBT 3 Project and DSS SHD Appeals Case Management Proposals tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 ALL DEPARTMENTS SUBJECT: Open Issues mere aa; 2018 CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative eae ee eed ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N\u00b0 Sr Sut 10, Seramem, CA 95816 eee Gt pre Ke a a 1-071 Pna este ”

Document 2015-#02 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker

By In CCWRO Budget Alerts 3534 downloads

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2015-#02 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker.docx

” CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative Bill & Budget Action Tracker #2015-02 [image: Description: Description: CCWRO Logo] March 4, 2015 CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 02 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 02 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] CCWRO Bill & Budget Action Tracker 2015 02 1111 Howe Avenue, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825-8551 Phone 916-736-0616 Cell 916-712-0071 Contact person: Kevin Aslanian Cell 916-712-0071 Email: [email protected] ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Consultants: Myesha Jackson, Principal Consultant [email protected] Committee Secretary: Irene Frausto [email protected] Phone 916-319-2089 Fax 916-319-2189 1020 N Street, Suite 124, Sacramento, CA 95814 Republican Consultant: Mary Belamy [email protected] Phone 916-319-3900 Fax 916-319- 3902 1020 N Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Committee Member Human Services Staff Kansen Chu (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Florence Bernal [email protected] Chad Mayes (Vice Chair) Phone: 916-319-2042 Fax: 916-319-2142 Room # 4144 Joshua White [email protected] Ian C. Calderon Phone: 916-319-2057 Fax: 916-319-2157 Room # 5150 Kelsy Castillo [email protected] Patty Lopez Phone: 916-319-2039 Fax: 916-319-2139 Room # 5160 Kristi Lopez [email protected] Mark Stone (Chair) Phone: 916-319-2025 Fax: 916-319-2125 Room # 5175 Arianna Smith – [email protected] Brian Maienschein Phone: 916-319-2077 Fax: 916-319-2177 Room # 3098 Natalie Buchbinder [email protected] Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGaw [email protected] ASSEMBLY BILLS Bill No. Sponsor Bill Description Bill Status Next Steps AB 103- Weber Room # 6026 -916-319-2079 Staff: Nicole Vazquez [email protected] 205-2016 State Budget Bill. AB 233- Lopez Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CAPPA CalWORKs Child Care and Other Child Care Programs-This bill would provide for a 12 month child care certification period. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 AB 294- Lackey Room # 2114 – 319-2036 Staff: Tim Townsend [email protected] CCWRO Health & Human Services Program – Requires all Health & Human Services program state plans and waivers by placed on the front page of the applicable department web page. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 AB 371- Mullin Room #3160 – 916-319-2022 Staff: Elena Santamaria [email protected] Author CalWORKs -This would repeal the 100-hour rule and simplify CalWORKs eligibility by eliminating the deprivation factor of eligibility. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 AB 376 – Lopez Room # 5160 – 319-2039 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO CalWORKs -This bill would allow the county to request proof of immunization from a CalWORKs applicant or recipient only if the statewide immunization registry does not have verification of immunization. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 AB 433 – Chu Room # 5175 – 319-2025 Staff: Myesha Jackson [email protected] CalWORKs – This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to provide a grieving period and appropriate referrals to services when a CalWORKs recipient miscarries or when a child in the home of a CalWORKs recipient dies, without interruption of services. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 AB 492 Gonzalez Room # 6013 – 319-2080 Staff: andrea.sanmiguel [email protected] CalWORKs Spot Bill Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 AB 702- Maienschein Room # 4139 – 319-2077 Staff: Kristi Lopez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would delete the requirement that the 16 days of temporary homeless assistance be limited to 16 consecutive days and allow recipients to have a choice of when they can use it. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 AB 743 – Eggman Room # 3173 – 319-2013 Staff: Mayte Sanchez [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP CalWORKs This bill would exempt veteran educational benefits as income for CalWORKs and require that the coub nty adopt the satisfactory progress definition of the secondary educational institution that the participant is attending. Assembly Human Services Committee Room: 437 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 SENATE HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Staff: Consultants: Mareva Brown ([email protected], Sara Rogers ([email protected] Assistant: Mark Teemer Jr. ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1524 Fax (916) 327-9478 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Room 521 Republican Consultant Joe Parra ([email protected]) Phone: (916) 651-1501 Fax: (916) 445-3105 1020 N. Street, Sacramento Room 234 Senate Member Human Services Staff Senator Mike McGuire, Chair Phone: 651-4002 Fax: 651-4902 Room # 4002 Kelly Burns [email protected] Senator Tom Berryhill (Vice Chair) Phone: 651-4014 Fax: 651-4914 Room # 3076 Matt. Galligher – [email protected] Senator Carol Liu,Chair Phone: 651-4025 Fax: 651-4925 Room # 5097 Darcel Sanders [email protected] Senator Loni Hancock Phone: 651-4009 Fax: 651-4909 Room # 2080 Marla Cowan [email protected] Senator Janet Nguyen Phone: 651-4023 Fax: 651-4923 Room # 4034 Emilye Reeb [email protected] SENATE BILLS Bill Number Author Sponsor Bill Description Next Steps SB 23- Mitchell Room # 4082 916-651-4026 Elise Gyore [email protected] EBCL and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would repeal the Maximum Family Grant (MFG) rule. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: 3-24-15 Time: 1:30 SB 157- Huff Room # 3063 916-651-4029 Debra Gonzales [email protected] Author Spot Bill Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 SB 297- McGuire Room # 5064 916-651-4002 Mareva Brown [email protected] Author CalWORKs – This bill would modernize the California safety net programs application process by making the system more effective and efficient. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 SB 306- Hertzberg Room # 4038 916-651-4018 Michael Bedard [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would maximize participation in the CalFresh program to the extent permitted by federal law. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 SB 312- Pan Room # 4070 916-651-4006 Darin Walsh [email protected] CCWRO and WCLP CalWORKs – This bill would give the county the option to do electronic application interviews. Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 SB 521- Liu Room # 5097 916-651-4025 Darcel Sanders [email protected] WCLP CalFresh – This bill would increase participation in the CalFresh program Senate Human Services Committee – Room: 3191 Date: TBD Time: 1:30 Assembly Appropriations Committee Jennifer Swenson, Principal Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone – 916.319.2081 fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2114 Republican Consultant Julie Souliere, 916-319-2637 Room 6027 – [email protected] Senate Appropriations Committee Jolie Onodera, Consultant Human Services [email protected] Phone 916.319.2081 Fax 916.319.2181 Room # 2206 Republican Consultant – Shantele Denny- [email protected] 916-651-1501 1020 N Street, Suite 234, Sacramento, CA 95814 2015-2016 Budget Committees Assembly Budget Committee Sub. # 1 Assembly Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Staff Tony Thurmond Phone: 916-319-2015 Fax: 916-319-2115 Room # 5150 Tyrone McGraw [email protected] Rob Bonta (D) Phone: 319-2018 Fax: 319-2118 Rm. #: 6005 Rylan Gervease [email protected] David Chiu (D) Phone: 319-2017 Fax: 319-2117 Rm. #: 2196 Yong Salas [email protected] Shannon Grove(R) Phone: 319-2034 Fax: 319-2134 Rm, #: 4208 Robert Smith [email protected] Brian Jones (R) Phone: 319-2071 Fax: 319-2171 Rm. #: 3141 Jennifer Bell [email protected] Nicole Vasquez, Committee Consultant Phone 319-2099 Fax 319-2199 Room 6029 Nicole Vazquez [email protected] TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) INFORMATIONAL HEARING SUBJECT: State and Community Perspectives on Gaps and Opportunities in Health and Human Services wedneSDAY, march 11, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 437 ( Listen to this hearing ) Department of Social Services SUBJECT: IHSS and SSI\/SSP WednesDAY, march 25, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues WednesDAY, april 22, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters MONDAY, april 27, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 127( Listen to this hearing ) Health & Welfare Agency; Department of Social Services; Department of Community Services & Development; Department of Child Support; Automation Projects SUBJECT: Budget Change Proposals (BCPs) & Other Proposals WednesDAY, april 29, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters monDAY, may 4, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room127 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues WednesDAY, May 6, 2015 Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 444 ( Listen to this hearing ) All Departments SUBJECT: Open Issues April Letters Senate Budget Committee Sub. # 3 Senate Budget Committee Sub #1 Staff Email Address Holly Mitchel, Chair Phone: 651-4030 Fax: 651-4930 Room #: 5080 Elise Gyore [email protected] Senator Jeff Stone Phone: 651-4028 Fax: 651-4928 Room #: 4062 Hanna Marrs [email protected] Senator Bill Monning Phone: 651-4017 Fax: 651-4917 Room #: 313 Bethany Westfall [email protected] Samantha Lui, Committee Consultant Phone: 651-4103 Fax: 323-8386 Room #: 5097 Samantha Lui [email protected] tuesDAY, March 10, 2015 Joint Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 3191 SUBJECT: Welfare to Work Oversight of California’s CalWORKs Program tHURsDAY, March 19, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of session State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGED HEALTH CARE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES SUBJECT: Medi-Cal Overview; Caseload; ACA Implementation; Medi-Cal rates & Access; Denti-Cal & Other Items tHURsDAY, March 26, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalWORKs; In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS);CMISP II, SSI\/SSP tHURsDAY, april 16 19, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & Subcommittee #1 on Education 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalWORKs Child Care tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of session – State Capitol, Room 4203 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERIVCES & DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT SERIVCES SUBJECT: CalFresh, State Hearings, Automation Systems, Including ACA Horizontal Integration; EBT 3 Project and DSS SHD Appeals Case Management Proposals tHURsDAY, april 30, 2015 Senate Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health & Human Services & 9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Session – State Capitol, Room 4203 ALL DEPARTMENTS SUBJECT: Open Issues merch avaats CCWRO California Public Benefits Legislative eae ee eee ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 1020’N* Sire Sut 10, Serament, CA 05816 eee Gtk ara 1-071 Pa estate ”